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to 21.03. klo 14.00 - 15.00 60 minNational Geographic Channel

Kovan työn takana. Joe käy kaupungissa vuosittaisella matkallaan talvivarastolleen. Bear Claw lähtee talvileirillensä. Dan aikoo täyttää pakastimensa.


ke 20.03. klo 14.00 - 15.00 60 minNational Geographic Channel

Pahin mahdollinen tilanne. Bear Claw ei löydä vettä leiriinsä, Joen maanalainen koti on maanjäristyksen armoilla ja Doc ja Jeanny Leverett kamppailevat tulipalojen kanssa.


pe 15.03. klo 14.05 - 15.00 55 minNational Geographic Channel

Verta, kyyneliä ja peuraa. Joe pyrkii rakentamaan uusiutuvan energialähteen, ja Dan alkaa laittamaan kasaan uutta suojaa


to 14.03. klo 14.00 - 15.00 60 minNational Geographic Channel

Väsymyksen halki. Joe Ray laittaa pystyyn alkukantaisen turvajärjestelmän, ja Bear Claw käy lähempänä sivistynyttä maailmaa tärkeän viestin vuoksi.


ke 13.03. klo 14.00 - 15.00 60 minNational Geographic Channel

Verta ja hikeä. Joe valmistautuu metsästämään luonnonvaraista riistaa, ja tällä kertaa tarjolla on sikaa. Bear Claw juhlistaa luontoon saapumisen vuosipäiväänsä


pe 08.03. klo 14.00 - 15.00 60 minNational Geographic Channel

Pohjattomaan kuiluun. Mustakarhu tuhoaa Docin ja Jeannyn kasvit, Bear Claw'n hevosella on niveltulehdusta muistuttavia oireita ja Joe on uuden luolan tarpeessa. National Geographic.


to 07.03. klo 14.00 - 15.00 60 minNational Geographic Channel

Löytäjä saa pitää. Myös salassa elävät tarvitsevat joskus apua. Bear Claw'lla on vaikeuksia saaliinsa kanssa, ja Doc ja Jeanny Leverettin on tehtävä vaihtokauppaa. National Geographic.


ke 06.03. klo 13.55 - 14.55 60 minNational Geographic Channel

Keskellä ei mitään. Joe, Dave, Dan, Doc, Jeanny, Bear Claw ja muut etsivät päättäväisinä "kartalla näkymättömiä" asuinpaikkoja mm. luolista ja puista. National Geographic.


ma 28.08.2023 07.45 - 08.30 45 minNational Geographic Channel

Kovan työn takana. Joe käy kaupungissa vuosittaisella matkallaan talvivarastolleen. Bear Claw lähtee talvileirillensä. Dan aikoo täyttää pakastimensa.


pe 25.08.2023 07.30 - 08.15 45 minNational Geographic Channel

Pahin mahdollinen tilanne. Bear Claw ei löydä vettä leiriinsä, Joen maanalainen koti on maanjäristyksen armoilla ja Doc ja Jeanny Leverett kamppailevat tulipalojen kanssa.


to 24.08.2023 07.50 - 08.30 40 minNational Geographic Channel

Verta, kyyneliä ja peuraa. Joe pyrkii rakentamaan uusiutuvan energialähteen, ja Dan alkaa laittamaan kasaan uutta suojaa


ke 23.08.2023 07.50 - 08.30 40 minNational Geographic Channel

Väsymyksen halki. Joe Ray laittaa pystyyn alkukantaisen turvajärjestelmän, ja Bear Claw käy lähempänä sivistynyttä maailmaa tärkeän viestin vuoksi.


ti 22.08.2023 07.55 - 08.40 45 minNational Geographic Channel

Verta ja hikeä. Joe valmistautuu metsästämään luonnonvaraista riistaa, ja tällä kertaa tarjolla on sikaa. Bear Claw juhlistaa luontoon saapumisen vuosipäiväänsä


ma 21.08.2023 07.50 - 08.35 45 minNational Geographic Channel

Pohjattomaan kuiluun. Mustakarhu tuhoaa Docin ja Jeannyn kasvit, Bear Claw'n hevosella on niveltulehdusta muistuttavia oireita ja Joe on uuden luolan tarpeessa. National Geographic.


pe 18.08.2023 07.25 - 08.10 45 minNational Geographic Channel

Löytäjä saa pitää. Myös salassa elävät tarvitsevat joskus apua. Bear Claw'lla on vaikeuksia saaliinsa kanssa, ja Doc ja Jeanny Leverettin on tehtävä vaihtokauppaa. National Geographic.


to 17.08.2023 07.25 - 08.10 45 minNational Geographic Channel

Keskellä ei mitään. Joe, Dave, Dan, Doc, Jeanny, Bear Claw ja muut etsivät päättäväisinä "kartalla näkymättömiä" asuinpaikkoja mm. luolista ja puista. National Geographic.


pe 05.05.2023 04.30 - 05.10 40 minNational Geographic Channel



to 04.05.2023 04.30 - 05.10 40 minNational Geographic Channel



ke 03.05.2023 04.05 - 04.50 45 minNational Geographic Channel



ti 02.05.2023 04.30 - 05.10 40 minNational Geographic Channel



ma 01.05.2023 04.05 - 04.50 45 minNational Geographic Channel



pe 28.04.2023 04.25 - 05.10 45 minNational Geographic Channel



to 27.04.2023 04.25 - 05.10 45 minNational Geographic Channel



ke 26.04.2023 04.05 - 04.50 45 minNational Geographic Channel



to 19.01.2023 14.15 - 15.10 55 minNational Geographic Channel

Kovan työn takana. Joe käy kaupungissa vuosittaisella matkallaan talvivarastolleen. Bear Claw lähtee talvileirillensä. Dan aikoo täyttää pakastimensa.


ke 18.01.2023 14.15 - 15.10 55 minNational Geographic Channel

Pahin mahdollinen tilanne. Bear Claw ei löydä vettä leiriinsä, Joen maanalainen koti on maanjäristyksen armoilla ja Doc ja Jeanny Leverett kamppailevat tulipalojen kanssa.


ti 17.01.2023 14.15 - 15.10 55 minNational Geographic Channel

Verta, kyyneliä ja peuraa. Joe pyrkii rakentamaan uusiutuvan energialähteen, ja Dan alkaa laittamaan kasaan uutta suojaa


ma 16.01.2023 14.15 - 15.10 55 minNational Geographic Channel

Väsymyksen halki. Joe Ray laittaa pystyyn alkukantaisen turvajärjestelmän, ja Bear Claw käy lähempänä sivistynyttä maailmaa tärkeän viestin vuoksi.


pe 13.01.2023 14.10 - 15.05 55 minNational Geographic Channel

Verta ja hikeä. Joe valmistautuu metsästämään luonnonvaraista riistaa, ja tällä kertaa tarjolla on sikaa. Bear Claw juhlistaa luontoon saapumisen vuosipäiväänsä


to 12.01.2023 14.10 - 15.09 59 minNational Geographic Channel

Pohjattomaan kuiluun. Mustakarhu tuhoaa Docin ja Jeannyn kasvit, Bear Claw'n hevosella on niveltulehdusta muistuttavia oireita ja Joe on uuden luolan tarpeessa. National Geographic.


ke 11.01.2023 14.10 - 15.10 60 minNational Geographic Channel

Löytäjä saa pitää. Myös salassa elävät tarvitsevat joskus apua. Bear Claw'lla on vaikeuksia saaliinsa kanssa, ja Doc ja Jeanny Leverettin on tehtävä vaihtokauppaa. National Geographic.


ti 10.01.2023 14.15 - 15.10 55 minNational Geographic Channel

Keskellä ei mitään. Joe, Dave, Dan, Doc, Jeanny, Bear Claw ja muut etsivät päättäväisinä kartalla näkymättömiä asuinpaikkoja mm. luolista ja puista. National Geographic.


ke 04.01.2023 07.25 - 08.09 44 minNational Geographic Channel

Kovan työn takana. Joe käy kaupungissa vuosittaisella matkallaan talvivarastolleen. Bear Claw lähtee talvileirillensä. Dan aikoo täyttää pakastimensa.


ti 03.01.2023 07.25 - 08.09 44 minNational Geographic Channel

Pahin mahdollinen tilanne. Bear Claw ei löydä vettä leiriinsä, Joen maanalainen koti on maanjäristyksen armoilla ja Doc ja Jeanny Leverett kamppailevat tulipalojen kanssa.


ma 02.01.2023 07.25 - 08.09 44 minNational Geographic Channel

Verta, kyyneliä ja peuraa. Joe pyrkii rakentamaan uusiutuvan energialähteen, ja Dan alkaa laittamaan kasaan uutta suojaa


pe 30.12.2022 07.25 - 08.10 45 minNational Geographic Channel

Väsymyksen halki. Joe Ray laittaa pystyyn alkukantaisen turvajärjestelmän, ja Bear Claw käy lähempänä sivistynyttä maailmaa tärkeän viestin vuoksi.


to 29.12.2022 07.25 - 08.10 45 minNational Geographic Channel

Verta ja hikeä. Joe valmistautuu metsästämään luonnonvaraista riistaa, ja tällä kertaa tarjolla on sikaa. Bear Claw juhlistaa luontoon saapumisen vuosipäiväänsä


ke 28.12.2022 07.30 - 08.13 43 minNational Geographic Channel

Pohjattomaan kuiluun. Mustakarhu tuhoaa Docin ja Jeannyn kasvit, Bear Claw'n hevosella on niveltulehdusta muistuttavia oireita ja Joe on uuden luolan tarpeessa. National Geographic.


ti 27.12.2022 07.30 - 08.13 43 minNational Geographic Channel

Löytäjä saa pitää. Myös salassa elävät tarvitsevat joskus apua. Bear Claw'lla on vaikeuksia saaliinsa kanssa, ja Doc ja Jeanny Leverettin on tehtävä vaihtokauppaa. National Geographic.


ma 26.12.2022 07.30 - 08.13 43 minNational Geographic Channel

Keskellä ei mitään. Joe, Dave, Dan, Doc, Jeanny, Bear Claw ja muut etsivät päättäväisinä kartalla näkymättömiä asuinpaikkoja mm. luolista ja puista. National Geographic.


to 29.09.2022 04.30 - 05.15 45 minNational Geographic Channel

On the edge of civilization, life is lived by the seasons. As autumn arrives, temperatures grow colder, and those outside the grid begin preparation for the toughest time of year. Out here, they must always be ready for what lies ahead. In his caves "Below the Grid", Joe Ray does all he can to avoid the modern world. But today, he must make his annual visit to town to stockpile necessary winter resources. High "Above the Grid", Doc and Jeanny Leverett prepare for darker days ahead, and indoor confinement for Jeanny due to an unusual medical condition. She has a rare allergy to the cold, and Doc plans special home improvements to keep her comfortable during the coming chill. "Beyond the Grid" in the mountains of Idaho, with temperatures beginning to cool, nomadic Bear Claw packs up his tent and heads for the protection of his winter camp. The long journey on horseback includes several stops along the way, as Bear Claw gathers supplies essential to his life on the trail. And "Outside the grid", on an island in the middle of Lake Michigan, Dan Burton and his family rely on stockpiled food to make it through the frozen winter months. Now, Dan is on a mission to fill his freezer in any way he can.


ke 28.09.2022 04.30 - 05.15 45 minNational Geographic Channel

The old adage known as "Murphy's Law" says - anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. On the edge of civilization, that means always being prepared for the worst. Out here, far from the modern world, the forces of nature present dire challenges. "Outside the Grid," during the onslaught of a severe drought, Bear Claw struggles to find water for his camp in the Clearwater Mountains of Idaho. "Below the Grid," a small earthquake in the Ozarks transforms Joe Ray's underground home, and now he must find a new path to daylight. "Above the Grid," in Onion Creek, Washington, Doc and Jeanny Leverett grapple with wildfires burning dangerously close to their tree house. "Outside the Grid," on remote Beaver Island, Dan Burton drops everything to search for a friend adrift somewhere on Lake Michigan.


ti 27.09.2022 04.30 - 05.15 45 minNational Geographic Channel

Outside the grid, nothing is given and everything must be earned. One's existence is built from the ground up with two hands, blood and sweat. The work is hard, but for those who choose this path, a job well done means a life well lived. Deep underground, living within the caves systems of Arkansas' Ozark Mountains, Joe Ray sometimes goes weeks without seeing the sun. He relies on gallons of lamp oil a month to keep his lanterns lit and illuminate his world. So, today he's working on a system to build a renewable energy source. Every year, high atop the ridgelines of the Clearwater Mountains in western Idaho, Bear Claw and his friend Conan Ausmussen hunt together on the first day of deer season. And, now, they set out on the hunt for white-tailed deer. Over the past month, high above the grid in the remote woods of Onion Creek, Washington, increased bear activity in the area has put Doc and Jeanny Leverett on high alert. Last week, they built an elevated bathroom to avoid the threat, and today they're taking further precautions. Outside the grid, in the middle of Lake Michigan on Beaver Island, Dan Burton spends much of autumn preparing for the harsh winter ahead. Before time runs out, he and his sons must start construction on a new shelter - a structure that will provide access to crucial hunting grounds during winter and refuge from the elements.


ma 26.09.2022 04.30 - 05.15 45 minNational Geographic Channel

For those choosing to live a life of solitude, there's always work to be done. Whether it's protecting your home from intruders or preparing for Mother Nature's worst, every day presents a new challenge to tackle. In Arkansas, as trespassers come close to Joe Ray's home below the grid, he sets up a primitive security system to protect his solitary way of life. Meanwhile, high above the grid in Washington, Doc and Jeanny Leverett expand their elevated home to avoid bears encroaching on the woods around their tree house. In Idaho's Clearwater Mountains, Bear Claw must make a tough journey back to the edge of civilization. Traveling through a steep, dense forest, he heads closer to the grid, to receive an important message from the outside world. And in Michigan, outside the grid, an impending cold front forces Dan Burton to prepare Garden Island's emergency shelters before temperatures drop.


pe 23.09.2022 04.30 - 05.15 45 minNational Geographic Channel

Life off the grid provides unequivocal freedom, but that independence doesn't come easy. Whether it's finding food, stocking the medicine cabinet or battling the elements, life in the Boonies requires a daily dose of sweat and blood. "Below the Grid" in Arkansas, Joe Ray must work every week to provide the food he needs to survive. With his pantry running low, he prepares to hunt for wild game - and it looks like hog might be on the menu. "Above the Grid," in the trees of Onion Creek, Washington, Doc and Jeanny Leverett rely on one another to remedy most problems that arise…including the kind of illness currently plaguing Doc. While he is quarantined in the tree house, Jeanny turns to her unique medicine cabinet - the woods around her. "Beyond the Grid" in Idaho, Bear Claw has lived high atop the ridgelines of the Clearwater Mountains for the past 10 years. Every year, to celebrate the anniversary of his arrival in the wilderness, Bear Claw embarks on a pack trip to the site of his very first camp. Per tradition, he is joined by Hans and Conan Ausmussen, the father and son mountain men who took him under their wing when he first arrived. "Outside the grid," in the middle of Lake Michigan, a series of severe storms has punished the Beaver Island archipelago for the past three days. Now, in the wake of the storm, Dan Burton must pick up the pieces - a job that will require lifting a fallen tree off of his truck.


to 22.09.2022 04.30 - 05.15 45 minNational Geographic Channel

For some, finding peace of mind means hiding out where no else thinks to look…but that solitude can come at a high cost. Those who choose to live outside the grid must adapt to a constant barrage of obstacles. They must find a means to overcome, or find themselves without the resources to endure. "Above the Grid" in Onion Creek, Washington, Doc and Jeanny Leverett depend on their garden to maintain a nutrient-rich diet. But after a black bear wreaks havoc on their plants, they are forced to find a new way to protect this crucial resource. "Beyond the Grid," in the Clearwater Mountains of Idaho, Bear Claw relies on his horses to travel the ridgelines and transport essential resources to camp. When his packhorse, Idahe, suffers from symptoms of equine arthritis, he must quickly adapt to find a new way to haul the supplies he desperately needs. "Below the Grid," in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, Joe Ray prefers to spend his time underground - and he is always searching for ways to expand his underground world. Today, Joe searches for a new cave to explore, in hopes of finding new caverns to use and resources to exploit. "Outside the Grid," on Beaver Island, Dan Burton must stockpile supplies everyday - and out here, Dan doesn't rely on a trip to the grocery store to provide for his family.


ke 21.09.2022 04.30 - 05.15 45 minNational Geographic Channel

On the edge of the world, even the most solitary must rely on a few trusted allies to endure. For those who choose this life, a little help can go a long way. Living below the grid, Joe Ray ventures outside his caves only when survival dictates. Today, he's headed on a mission to locate an unusual currency he can use to barter for rifle ammunition. Beyond the grid, Bear Claw hunts to deliver the food he needs. It is bear season, and Bear Claw is permitted to take one bear. But he must catch his prey by the end of the week - and this deadline pushes him to seek out a helping hand. Stranded outside the grid in Lake Michigan, Dan Burton and his family have survived almost entirely with supplies found around Beaver Island. Today, he embarks on a salvage mission in search of useful materials…and finds 500 pounds of "useful" at the bottom of Lake Michigan. Hidden away in the far northwest corner of America, Doc and Jeanny Leverett built their home high above the grid, going more than two weeks at a time without touching the ground. But, today, to sustain life in the trees, Doc leaves their perch to barter for supplies.


ti 20.09.2022 04.30 - 05.15 45 minNational Geographic Channel

In today's ever-shrinking world driven by technology, there are few corners of the globe that aren't connected to the grid. But those places do exist for those determined enough to seek them out. "Below the grid," in the underground caves of the Ozark Mountains, Joe Ray is on a mission to safeguard his belongings from flooding underground tunnels. "Outside the grid," on an island in the middle of Lake Michigan, Dan Burton must push the limits on the water to feed his family. "Above the grid," in a tree house in Washington, Doc and Jeanny Leverett must secure food to stock their coffers. And high in the mountains of Idaho, "beyond the grid," a nomad named Bear Claw sets out to relocate his ridgeline camp before nearby wildfires threaten his way of life.


la 27.08.2022 04.30 - 05.15 45 minNational Geographic Channel

Outside the grid, nothing is given and everything must be earned. One's existence is built from the ground up with two hands, blood and sweat. The work is hard, but for those who choose this path, a job well done means a life well lived. Deep underground, living within the caves systems of Arkansas' Ozark Mountains, Joe Ray sometimes goes weeks without seeing the sun. He relies on gallons of lamp oil a month to keep his lanterns lit and illuminate his world. So, today he's working on a system to build a renewable energy source. Every year, high atop the ridgelines of the Clearwater Mountains in western Idaho, Bear Claw and his friend Conan Ausmussen hunt together on the first day of deer season. And, now, they set out on the hunt for white-tailed deer. Over the past month, high above the grid in the remote woods of Onion Creek, Washington, increased bear activity in the area has put Doc and Jeanny Leverett on high alert. Last week, they built an elevated bathroom to avoid the threat, and today they're taking further precautions. Outside the grid, in the middle of Lake Michigan on Beaver Island, Dan Burton spends much of autumn preparing for the harsh winter ahead. Before time runs out, he and his sons must start construction on a new shelter - a structure that will provide access to crucial hunting grounds during winter and refuge from the elements.


pe 26.08.2022 04.30 - 05.15 45 minNational Geographic Channel

For those choosing to live a life of solitude, there's always work to be done. Whether it's protecting your home from intruders or preparing for Mother Nature's worst, every day presents a new challenge to tackle. In Arkansas, as trespassers come close to Joe Ray's home below the grid, he sets up a primitive security system to protect his solitary way of life. Meanwhile, high above the grid in Washington, Doc and Jeanny Leverett expand their elevated home to avoid bears encroaching on the woods around their tree house. In Idaho's Clearwater Mountains, Bear Claw must make a tough journey back to the edge of civilization. Traveling through a steep, dense forest, he heads closer to the grid, to receive an important message from the outside world. And in Michigan, outside the grid, an impending cold front forces Dan Burton to prepare Garden Island's emergency shelters before temperatures drop.
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