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Haulla alaska haunting löytyy 16 tulevaa tv-ohjelmaa.

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Alaska HauntingU

ma 29.07. klo 01.00 - 02.00 60 minTravel Channel

Tammy is over the moon when she moves into an amazing cabin. But when she begins experiencing scratches from an invisible entity, she turns to paranormal investigators. Jakso 3 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015

Alaska HauntingU

ma 29.07. klo 02.00 - 03.00 60 minTravel Channel

When Misty relocates her family to Wasilla, AK, she has no idea what her new home's previous owners had left behind- something other-worldly. Jakso 4 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015

Alaska Haunting

ti 30.07. klo 03.00 - 04.00 60 minTravel Channel

Tammy is over the moon when she moves into an amazing cabin. But when she begins experiencing scratches from an invisible entity, she turns to paranormal investigators. Jakso 3 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015

Alaska Haunting

ti 30.07. klo 04.00 - 05.00 60 minTravel Channel

When Misty relocates her family to Wasilla, AK, she has no idea what her new home's previous owners had left behind- something other-worldly. Jakso 4 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015

Alaska Haunting

pe 02.08. klo 22.00 - 23.00 60 minTravel Channel

When the staff at a saloon in a remote Alaskan town open up the former brothel upstairs for tours, they have no idea what the visitors are in store for. Jakso 5 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015

Alaska Haunting

pe 02.08. klo 23.00 - 00.00 60 minTravel Channel

Jess and her partner move into a remote log cabin in the woods. When strange things start to happen, they realise they have awakened a vengeful spirit. Jakso 6 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015

Alaska HauntingU

ma 05.08. klo 01.00 - 02.00 60 minTravel Channel

When the staff at a saloon in a remote Alaskan town open up the former brothel upstairs for tours, they have no idea what the visitors are in store for. Jakso 5 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015

Alaska HauntingU

ma 05.08. klo 02.00 - 03.00 60 minTravel Channel

Jess and her partner move into a remote log cabin in the woods. When strange things start to happen, they realise they have awakened a vengeful spirit. Jakso 6 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015

Alaska Haunting

ti 06.08. klo 03.00 - 04.00 60 minTravel Channel

When the staff at a saloon in a remote Alaskan town open up the former brothel upstairs for tours, they have no idea what the visitors are in store for. Jakso 5 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015

Alaska Haunting

ti 06.08. klo 04.00 - 05.00 60 minTravel Channel

Jess and her partner move into a remote log cabin in the woods. When strange things start to happen, they realise they have awakened a vengeful spirit. Jakso 6 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015

Alaska Haunting

ma 19.08. klo 21.00 - 22.00 60 minTravel Channel

When mum Lita and daughter Bonnie of the Cristallo family begin seeing a frightening, ghost-like figure around the house, they know that they are not alone. Jakso 1 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015

Alaska Haunting

ti 20.08. klo 21.00 - 22.00 60 minTravel Channel

Laurie buys a house and is blissfully unaware of the property's gruesome history. But when unexplainable incidents occur, she embarks on a quest for the truth. Jakso 2 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015

Alaska Haunting

ke 21.08. klo 21.00 - 22.00 60 minTravel Channel

Tammy is over the moon when she moves into an amazing cabin. But when she begins experiencing scratches from an invisible entity, she turns to paranormal investigators. Jakso 3 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015

Alaska Haunting

to 22.08. klo 21.00 - 22.00 60 minTravel Channel

When Misty relocates her family to Wasilla, AK, she has no idea what her new home's previous owners had left behind- something other-worldly. Jakso 4 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015

Alaska Haunting

pe 23.08. klo 21.00 - 22.00 60 minTravel Channel

When the staff at a saloon in a remote Alaskan town open up the former brothel upstairs for tours, they have no idea what the visitors are in store for. Jakso 5 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015

Alaska Haunting

ma 26.08. klo 21.00 - 22.00 60 minTravel Channel

Jess and her partner move into a remote log cabin in the woods. When strange things start to happen, they realise they have awakened a vengeful spirit. Jakso 6 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2015
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