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Haulla after the spill: the last catch löytyy 3 aiemmin esitettyä tv-ohjelmaa.

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After the Spill: The Last Catch

pe 30.08.2013 11.40 - 12.35 55 minViasat Explore

(After the Spill: The Last Catch/2010) On 20 April 2010, the disastrous BP oil spill began wreaking havoc on the Gulf of Mexico and the lives of the Louisiana fishermen were forever changed. Life has never been easy for the men, women and families that live in this region. They braved the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, but a hurricane?s damage is minuscule compared to what the long term effect 795 million litres of crude oil in the gulf can do to their 2.4 billion dollar commercial fishing industry. Will the fishermen?s lives be destroyed forever? What role can they play in the cleanup and the future of the gulf?.

After the Spill: The Last CatchU

pe 12.04.2013 16.55 - 17.50 55 minViasat Explore

(After the Spill: The Last Catch/2010) On 20 April 2010, the disastrous BP oil spill began wreaking havoc on the Gulf of Mexico and the lives of the Louisiana fishermen were forever changed. Life has never been easy for the men, women and families that live in this region. They braved the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, but a hurricane?s damage is minuscule compared to what the long term effect 795 million litres of crude oil in the gulf can do to their 2.4 billion dollar commercial fishing industry. Will the fishermen?s lives be destroyed forever? What role can they play in the cleanup and the future of the gulf?.

After the Spill: The Last Catch

pe 12.04.2013 11.40 - 12.35 55 minViasat Explore

(After the Spill: The Last Catch/2010) On 20 April 2010, the disastrous BP oil spill began wreaking havoc on the Gulf of Mexico and the lives of the Louisiana fishermen were forever changed. Life has never been easy for the men, women and families that live in this region. They braved the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, but a hurricane?s damage is minuscule compared to what the long term effect 795 million litres of crude oil in the gulf can do to their 2.4 billion dollar commercial fishing industry. Will the fishermen?s lives be destroyed forever? What role can they play in the cleanup and the future of the gulf?.
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