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Kanavan Viasat Nature ohjelmatiedot sunnuntaina 23.11.2014

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Hope for Wildlife

su 23.11.2014 07.00 - 07.55 55 minViasat Nature

(Hope for Wildlife/2012) Hope Swinimer, Dr. Barry, Allison and a team of 100 volunteers return for another extraordinary series - rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing over 1,000 animals a year. This time, they are taking on an even bigger mission: to share and learn with other rehab centres like themselves and to create a national wildlife emergency response system. Changes and challenges must be overcome by Hope and the team, as new buildings are erected, exotic animals are brought in, and old friends and workers take their tearful exits. More than ever, Hope must share her ideas and expertise with other independent rehab centres, and invite donors, legislators and celebrities to the farm, to help her on her mission.

Hope for Wildlife

su 23.11.2014 07.55 - 08.50 55 minViasat Nature

(Hope for Wildlife/2012) Hope Swinimer, Dr. Barry, Allison and a team of 100 volunteers return for another extraordinary series - rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing over 1,000 animals a year. This time, they are taking on an even bigger mission: to share and learn with other rehab centres like themselves and to create a national wildlife emergency response system. Changes and challenges must be overcome by Hope and the team, as new buildings are erected, exotic animals are brought in, and old friends and workers take their tearful exits. More than ever, Hope must share her ideas and expertise with other independent rehab centres, and invite donors, legislators and celebrities to the farm, to help her on her mission.

Hope for Wildlife

su 23.11.2014 08.50 - 09.40 50 minViasat Nature

(Hope for Wildlife/2012) Hope Swinimer, Dr. Barry, Allison and a team of 100 volunteers return for another extraordinary series - rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing over 1,000 animals a year. This time, they are taking on an even bigger mission: to share and learn with other rehab centres like themselves and to create a national wildlife emergency response system. Changes and challenges must be overcome by Hope and the team, as new buildings are erected, exotic animals are brought in, and old friends and workers take their tearful exits. More than ever, Hope must share her ideas and expertise with other independent rehab centres, and invite donors, legislators and celebrities to the farm, to help her on her mission.

Hope for Wildlife

su 23.11.2014 09.40 - 10.35 55 minViasat Nature

(Hope for Wildlife/2012) Hope Swinimer, Dr. Barry, Allison and a team of 100 volunteers return for another extraordinary series - rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing over 1,000 animals a year. This time, they are taking on an even bigger mission: to share and learn with other rehab centres like themselves and to create a national wildlife emergency response system. Changes and challenges must be overcome by Hope and the team, as new buildings are erected, exotic animals are brought in, and old friends and workers take their tearful exits. More than ever, Hope must share her ideas and expertise with other independent rehab centres, and invite donors, legislators and celebrities to the farm, to help her on her mission.

Hope for WildlifeU

su 23.11.2014 10.35 - 11.30 55 minViasat Nature

(Hope for Wildlife/2012) Hope Swinimer, Dr. Barry, Allison and a team of 100 volunteers return for another extraordinary series - rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing over 1,000 animals a year. This time, they are taking on an even bigger mission: to share and learn with other rehab centres like themselves and to create a national wildlife emergency response system. Changes and challenges must be overcome by Hope and the team, as new buildings are erected, exotic animals are brought in, and old friends and workers take their tearful exits. More than ever, Hope must share her ideas and expertise with other independent rehab centres, and invite donors, legislators and celebrities to the farm, to help her on her mission.

Monkey ThievesU

su 23.11.2014 11.30 - 12.00 30 minViasat Nature

(Monkey Thieves/2011) It?s been 18 months since the Galta Gang divided in two with Bipin, Yash, Tito and the rest of their splinter troop finding a new permanent home at one of Jaipur?s city centre fruit markets.
At Galta temple, Zamir has proved to be one of the group?s strongest leaders but recently troop queen Rani hasn?t quite been herself. At eighteen it seems old age is really taking its toll.
Time has also caught up with Bipin, Yash and Tito. This trio of four year olds are now sexually mature and as soon as male macaques show signs of interest in their opposite sex, they face being banished by the troop?s alpha male.
As one of the hottest summers on record sets in, each of our key characters face some of their biggest challenges to date. And with a new troop causing untold havoc on the city streets, this continuing story of love, death, friendship and war reaches a brand new level.


su 23.11.2014 12.00 - 12.25 25 minViasat Nature

(Djurakuten/2013) Marsvinet Gucci har fått halm i ögat. Katten Idde är nyopererad och chihuahuan Valentino har brutit benet. När vi återvänder till Djurakuten så är patienterna nya, men omvårdnaden och kärleken till våra små vänner densamma. Men att hjälpa djur är inte lätt. Hur undersöker du en förvirrad svan? Hur hanterar du en ilsken iller, och hur mår du när din bäste lille vän måste opereras? Kärlek, skickliga veterinärer och fullt av känslor i Djurakuten ? Sveriges gulligaste TV-program.
Stora hundar eller små valpar. Små kattungar eller nyfikna marsvin. Oavsett vilket, har du någonsin haft ett husdjur så vet du hur mycket de små familjemedlemmarna betyder. Men precis som vi människor så kan djuren tyvärr bli sjuka ? något som kan bli både smärtsamt och kostsamt. På ett av norra Europas största djursjukhus, Strömsholm, finns specialistvård för våra fyrfota vänner. Varje år kommer över 20 000 djur hit från Sveriges alla hörn. Vi följer även arbetet och omsorgen på Strömsholms systerklinik Djurkliniken Roslagstull.
Operationer, intensivvård, medicinska utredningar, rehabilitering ? på Djurakuten är det vardag. Vi möter djuren, deras familjer och följer med på den känslomässiga berg- och dalbana som ett sjukhusbesök alltid innebär. Vi får också lära känna personalen, experterna och eldsjälarna som hittar sjukdomarna och botar våra små familjemedlemmar.


su 23.11.2014 12.25 - 12.50 25 minViasat Nature

(Djurakuten/2013) Marsvinet Gucci har fått halm i ögat. Katten Idde är nyopererad och chihuahuan Valentino har brutit benet. När vi återvänder till Djurakuten så är patienterna nya, men omvårdnaden och kärleken till våra små vänner densamma. Men att hjälpa djur är inte lätt. Hur undersöker du en förvirrad svan? Hur hanterar du en ilsken iller, och hur mår du när din bäste lille vän måste opereras? Kärlek, skickliga veterinärer och fullt av känslor i Djurakuten ? Sveriges gulligaste TV-program.
Stora hundar eller små valpar. Små kattungar eller nyfikna marsvin. Oavsett vilket, har du någonsin haft ett husdjur så vet du hur mycket de små familjemedlemmarna betyder. Men precis som vi människor så kan djuren tyvärr bli sjuka ? något som kan bli både smärtsamt och kostsamt. På ett av norra Europas största djursjukhus, Strömsholm, finns specialistvård för våra fyrfota vänner. Varje år kommer över 20 000 djur hit från Sveriges alla hörn. Vi följer även arbetet och omsorgen på Strömsholms systerklinik Djurkliniken Roslagstull.
Operationer, intensivvård, medicinska utredningar, rehabilitering ? på Djurakuten är det vardag. Vi möter djuren, deras familjer och följer med på den känslomässiga berg- och dalbana som ett sjukhusbesök alltid innebär. Vi får också lära känna personalen, experterna och eldsjälarna som hittar sjukdomarna och botar våra små familjemedlemmar.

Animal 24/7

su 23.11.2014 12.50 - 13.40 50 minViasat Nature

(Animal 24/7/2008) Britain?s animals are under threat. All too often, wildlife and domestic pets are the victims of cruelty and neglect. A dedicated group of people are trying to protect and care for them right around the clock - this is Animal 24/7. In the air, on land and in the water, Britain is teeming with animals. But when they come up against humans, their lives are often in danger. From our cramped inner cities to our fields and hedgerows; from the highest moorland to the coast, Animal 24/7?s people are working around the clock to save endangered wildlife and protect vulnerable pets. These are their stories.

Unusual WorldU

su 23.11.2014 13.40 - 14.35 55 minViasat Nature

(Unusual World/2008) Flight is a gift given to many insects, and thanks to their wings they have conquered much of the planet?s environment. But what are the reasons for their biological success in the animal world? Some are aggressive, while others have fragile bodies with delicate wings. Their amazing colours and behaviors make up a world that we want to capture before it disappears forever. This stunning mini-series brings us closer to these natural marvels and shows just how unique and beautiful the creatures of the sky truly are.

Rainforest - The Secret of LifeU

su 23.11.2014 14.35 - 15.30 55 minViasat Nature

(Rainforest - The Secret of Life/2010) Rainforests hold the key to the secret of life on our planet. They are the most abundant and diverse land environments on earth. Not only do they safeguard the genetic bounty of our past, they also hold the very key to the future of our world. Rainforest ? The Secret of Life captures rare and fascinating wildlife sequences, including the mating rituals of lyrebirds and bowerbirds, and explores the intricate web of life that evolved in these rainforests. It also lead to the recent scientific discovery of the greatest secret of all ? how rainforests form part of a vast global system that regulates the world?s climate.

Sisäinen salaisuutemmeU

su 23.11.2014 15.30 - 16.25 55 minViasat Nature

Kuinka ihmiskehosta muokkautui niin monimutkainen sekä omalaatuinen kone kuin se tänä päivänä on? Vastauksia voidaan kaivaa satojen miljoonien vuosien takaa. Sarja perustuu johtavan paleontologi Neil Shubin menestyskirjaan. Tämä sarja tutkii ihmiskehomme salattuja totuuksia. Ihmiskehosta voimme löytää miljoonia vuosia sitten elävien eläinten perinnön kuin myös sen keltä olemme perineet merkittävimmät piirteemme. Jokainen jakso kerää yhteen todisteet vertailevasta anatomiasta, fossiileista, genetiikasta sekä embryologiasta, jotta saisimme selville mysteerin ihmiskehoistamme.

Rift Valley - The Great Rift

su 23.11.2014 16.25 - 17.20 55 minViasat Nature

(Rift Valley - The Great Rift/2009) This award-winning documentary series take us on a fascinating journey. Emerging 35 million years ago as a mysterious rift along the surface of the Earth, a 6000 km long fault line between eastern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula is a unique geological phenomenon. It takes us through the most beautiful landscapes in the world, including; the coral reefs of the Red Sea, rainforests of Rwanda, and the steppes of the Serengeti and Masai Mara. This 3-part documentary takes us on a breathtaking journey using the latest HD filming combined with CGI, and also newly developed flight devices that provide magnificently enhanced vistas.

Nature's Microworlds

su 23.11.2014 17.20 - 17.50 30 minViasat Nature

See how the Earth works in a whole new way as this fascinating series unpicks the puzzles of our planet, piece by piece. Earth is a collection of worlds within worlds, each one a self-contained ecosystem bursting with life. These microworlds depend on an intricate web of relationships and natural forces that make each one unique. Travelling across the world, this stunning series investigates microworlds like the islands of Galapagos, the grasslands of the Serengeti, Svalbard in the Arctic Circle, the Amazon rainforest and the desert of Australia?s Red Centre to discover the key to life in each of them. It also reveals what can happen to these ecosystems ? and indeed our planet ? if something interferes with their delicate balance.

Nature's Microworlds

su 23.11.2014 17.50 - 18.20 30 minViasat Nature

See how the Earth works in a whole new way as this fascinating series unpicks the puzzles of our planet, piece by piece. Earth is a collection of worlds within worlds, each one a self-contained ecosystem bursting with life. These microworlds depend on an intricate web of relationships and natural forces that make each one unique. Travelling across the world, this stunning series investigates microworlds like the islands of Galapagos, the grasslands of the Serengeti, Svalbard in the Arctic Circle, the Amazon rainforest and the desert of Australia?s Red Centre to discover the key to life in each of them. It also reveals what can happen to these ecosystems ? and indeed our planet ? if something interferes with their delicate balance.

The Saga of the White-tailed Eagle

su 23.11.2014 18.20 - 19.20 60 minViasat Nature

(The Saga of the White-tailed Eagle/2011) Once widespread throughout Europe, the sea eagle is now sadly nearly driven to the brink of extinction. This touching program focuses on the true life story of one bird, over the course of a year. Capturing its birth in a European forest, a team tracks the eagle?s first family outing and its migration all the way to Norway in Scandinavia. The cameras also close in on the bird?s dramatic lead poisoning and recovery back to health, before documenting its settlement into a nature reserve.

Jimmy Doherty in Darwin's GardenU

su 23.11.2014 19.10 - 20.10 60 minViasat Nature

(Jimmy Doherty in Darwin's Garden/2009) In 1836, Charles Darwin returned from his five year expedition aboard The Beagle with some revolutionary ideas about the diversity of the world?s flora and fauna. However, before he could begin work on one of the most influential scientific publications of all time ?On the Origin of Species?, Darwin needed to expand his early hunches into a fully formed theory of evolution through a series of ingenious and astonishing experiments. Jimmy Doherty, farmer and entomologist, follows Darwin?s intellectual journey, recreating ground breaking experiments on in-breeding in plants, natural selection, and some quirky tests involving earthworms and music. Filmed in the gardens and greenhouses of Darwin?s home, this series rediscovers the science underpinning evolution.

A Year in the WildU

su 23.11.2014 20.10 - 21.00 50 minViasat Nature

Traversing all landscapes around the world for one year, we see how the seasons affect different parts of the world at different times - and how various animals cope. During the rainy season in Africa, vegetation is in abundance for such animals as the Samango monkeys who feast upon fig trees. It?s a different story when the dry season begins, and waters recede, leaving life a daily struggle for many. Later still in the year, the Northern territory?s temperature drops bitterly below zero, but climate changes means the ice forms more slowly than ever before. Though the seasons become harsher, nature becomes no less extraordinary in its survival.


su 23.11.2014 21.00 - 21.45 45 minViasat Nature

(19-2/2014) 19-2 is about the tensions and bonds that develop between two incompatible men of very different temperaments and life experiences. Over time, officers Nick Barron and Ben Chartier's mistrust and antagonism for each other give way to moments of mutual respect and a wavering chance at a true partnership. As the series progresses, we also come to know the tightly-knit squad of Precinct 19. We see friendship and enmity, loyalty and betrayal. The series portrays the unpredictability and fragility of the world of a beat cop through moments of life-threatening intensity, both on and off duty, cementing 19-2 as a powerful character study and a gripping police drama.

The Blue RoseU

su 23.11.2014 21.45 - 22.30 45 minViasat Nature

Rosen ruumis löytyy kellumasta Aucklandin rantavesistä. Rosen paras ystävä Linda ei usko, että kyseessä on hukkumisonnettomuus. Hän alkaa tutkia tapausta yhdessä Rosen tilalle lakifirman sihteeriksi palkatun Janen kanssa, ja parivaljakko saa avukseen myös firman IT-tukihenkilön ja entisen kirjanpitäjän. Yhdessä he päättävät selvittää totuuden.

Jack TaylorU

su 23.11.2014 22.30 - 23.15 45 minViasat Nature

Set in Galway, the series is based on Ken Bruen's crime novels and features Iain Glen in the title role of old-school detective Jack Taylor, a former officer with the Gardai (the Irish police force), and a maverick who often drinks much more than is good for him. He is fired after the motorist he catches speeding turns out to be a government minister Taylor assaults when the man threatens him. He is subsequently hired as a private investigator, reluctantly taking on the cases the police will not investigate, because there are no private eyes in Ireland--"It's too close to being an informant ? a dodgy concept". However, he soon realizes his experience suits him to his new role. He is aided in his investigations by his contacts, including some of his former Gardai colleagues, notably Officer Kate Noonan.

Wire in the BloodU

su 23.11.2014 23.15 - 00.15 60 minViasat Nature

(Wire in the Blood/2008) The award winning, dark and twisting mystery TV-series is back. Based on Scottish crime writer Val McDermid?s books about clinical psychologist Dr Tony Hill and set in the fictional English city of Bradfield in West Yorkshire. Dr Hill is recruited as a criminal profiler for the police department. Aiding tough Detective Chief Inspector Carol Jordan, the doctor's eccentric methods and deep understanding of the criminal mind help track down vicious serial killers and solve the most gruesome of crimes.
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