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NASA's Unexplained Files

ke 24.04. klo 09.48 - 10.36 48 minDiscovery Science

A NASA spacecraft suffers a malfunction in orbit - can its lone astronaut make it back to Earth? Plus, new evidence emerges over Yuri Gagarin's mysterious death. Jakso 16 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ke 24.04. klo 09.00 - 09.48 48 minDiscovery Science

When the Soviet Union unveils its own space shuttle, the CIA hatches a revenge plot. Plus, a missing nuclear weapon could threaten a NASA base in the Arctic. Jakso 14 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ti 23.04. klo 10.36 - 11.24 48 minDiscovery Science

A NASA probe captures an image of a familiar structure on the surface of Mars. What made 'Mars Henge'? Plus, how did an Apollo astronaut get sick on the Moon? Jakso 13 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ti 23.04. klo 09.48 - 10.36 48 minDiscovery Science

Geologists discover alien deposits on the Earth's surface - and the answer could shed light on the cause of the greatest extinction in its history. Jakso 12 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ti 23.04. klo 09.00 - 09.48 48 minDiscovery Science

Witnesses photograph two suns in the sky over Indonesia - is this the first sighting of the Sun's dark twin that could spell imminent danger to Earth? Jakso 11 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ma 22.04. klo 10.36 - 11.24 48 minDiscovery Science

Jupiter is hotter than it should be, and scientists are baffled. There's a strange discovery on Mars and detectives ask for NASA's help on a murder cold case. Jakso 10 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ma 22.04. klo 09.48 - 10.36 48 minDiscovery Science

A malfunction on the ISS could poison its crew with a deadly gas. A startling image taken by a NASA probe points to evidence that life could exist on Mars. Jakso 8 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ma 22.04. klo 09.00 - 09.48 48 minDiscovery Science

A probe mysteriously malfunctions as it enters deep space. Astronomers find evidence of an invisible planet in a distant solar system. Jakso 7 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

pe 19.04. klo 10.36 - 11.24 48 minDiscovery Science

A starling discovery suggests the hellish clouds of Venus may be the origin of life on Earth. Plus, did the earth once have two moons? Jakso 6 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

pe 19.04. klo 09.48 - 10.36 48 minDiscovery Science

Two cosmonauts fight for their lives, trapped inside a capsule in a frozen lake. NASA astronomers are spooked when the full moon affects their experiments. Jakso 5 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

pe 19.04. klo 09.00 - 09.48 48 minDiscovery Science

Astronomers detect a potentially habitable planet tantalizingly close to Earth. A chance discovery at NASA reveals a top secret military space program. Jakso 4 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

pe 19.04. klo 02.10 - 03.00 50 minDiscovery Science

A NASA spacecraft suffers a malfunction in orbit - can its lone astronaut make it back to Earth? Plus, new evidence emerges over Yuri Gagarin's mysterious death. Jakso 16 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

pe 19.04. klo 01.20 - 02.10 50 minDiscovery Science

When the Soviet Union unveils its own space shuttle, the CIA hatches a revenge plot. Plus, a missing nuclear weapon could threaten a NASA base in the Arctic. Jakso 14 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

to 18.04. klo 10.36 - 11.24 48 minDiscovery Science

Geysers are discovered on a frozen moon, NASA redirects a probe on a mission to find proof of life, and a future US President is eyewitness to a UFO. Jakso 3 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

to 18.04. klo 09.48 - 10.36 48 minDiscovery Science

Apollo 12 astronauts bring back something alive from the moon. Plus, NASA track an asteroid heading towards Earth and make a shocking discovery. Jakso 2 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

to 18.04. klo 09.00 - 09.48 48 minDiscovery Science

Did Apollo astronauts hear unexplained transmissions on the far side of the moon? Plus, an astronomer spots a strange disturbance in Martian atmosphere. Jakso 1 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

to 18.04. klo 03.00 - 03.48 48 minDiscovery Science

A NASA probe captures an image of a familiar structure on the surface of Mars. What made 'Mars Henge'? Plus, how did an Apollo astronaut get sick on the Moon? Jakso 13 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

to 18.04. klo 02.10 - 03.00 50 minDiscovery Science

Geologists discover alien deposits on the Earth's surface - and the answer could shed light on the cause of the greatest extinction in its history. Jakso 12 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

to 18.04. klo 01.20 - 02.10 50 minDiscovery Science

Witnesses photograph two suns in the sky over Indonesia - is this the first sighting of the Sun's dark twin that could spell imminent danger to Earth? Jakso 11 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ke 17.04. klo 17.50 - 18.40 50 minDiscovery Science

A NASA spacecraft suffers a malfunction in orbit - can its lone astronaut make it back to Earth? Plus, new evidence emerges over Yuri Gagarin's mysterious death. Jakso 16 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ke 17.04. klo 17.02 - 17.50 48 minDiscovery Science

When the Soviet Union unveils its own space shuttle, the CIA hatches a revenge plot. Plus, a missing nuclear weapon could threaten a NASA base in the Arctic. Jakso 14 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ke 17.04. klo 10.36 - 11.24 48 minDiscovery Science

Test pilot ace Gordon Cooper is preparing to test a revolutionary landing system when two UFOs appear. Plus, what is the mystery of Saturn's mega-hex? Jakso 6 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2014

NASA's Unexplained Files

ke 17.04. klo 09.48 - 10.36 48 minDiscovery Science

Could spaceships really be powered by atomic bombs? Plus, why was Neil Armstrong's transmission feed cut off when he spotted strange lights on the Moon? Jakso 5 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2014

NASA's Unexplained Files

ke 17.04. klo 09.00 - 09.48 48 minDiscovery Science

A planet shows evidence of an Earth-like atmosphere, while a mysterious glowing light suggests the impossible: an atmosphere on the Moon. Jakso 4 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2014

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

ke 17.04. klo 03.00 - 03.48 48 minDiscovery Science

Jupiter is hotter than it should be, and scientists are baffled. There's a strange discovery on Mars and detectives ask for NASA's help on a murder cold case. Jakso 10 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

ke 17.04. klo 02.10 - 03.00 50 minDiscovery Science

A malfunction on the ISS could poison its crew with a deadly gas. A startling image taken by a NASA probe points to evidence that life could exist on Mars. Jakso 8 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

ke 17.04. klo 01.20 - 02.10 50 minDiscovery Science

A probe mysteriously malfunctions as it enters deep space. Astronomers find evidence of an invisible planet in a distant solar system. Jakso 7 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ti 16.04. klo 18.40 - 19.30 50 minDiscovery Science

A NASA probe captures an image of a familiar structure on the surface of Mars. What made 'Mars Henge'? Plus, how did an Apollo astronaut get sick on the Moon? Jakso 13 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ti 16.04. klo 17.50 - 18.40 50 minDiscovery Science

Geologists discover alien deposits on the Earth's surface - and the answer could shed light on the cause of the greatest extinction in its history. Jakso 12 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ti 16.04. klo 17.02 - 17.50 48 minDiscovery Science

Witnesses photograph two suns in the sky over Indonesia - is this the first sighting of the Sun's dark twin that could spell imminent danger to Earth? Jakso 11 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ti 16.04. klo 10.36 - 11.24 48 minDiscovery Science

The Hubble Telescope spots thousands of unknown objects travelling faster than light. Are we being watched? Or could we ourselves be aliens from another world? Jakso 3 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2014

NASA's Unexplained Files

ti 16.04. klo 09.48 - 10.36 48 minDiscovery Science

A planet shows evidence of an Earth-like atmosphere, while a mysterious glowing light suggests the impossible: an atmosphere on the Moon. Jakso 4 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2014

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

ti 16.04. klo 03.00 - 03.48 48 minDiscovery Science

A starling discovery suggests the hellish clouds of Venus may be the origin of life on Earth. Plus, did the earth once have two moons? Jakso 6 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

ti 16.04. klo 02.10 - 03.00 50 minDiscovery Science

Two cosmonauts fight for their lives, trapped inside a capsule in a frozen lake. NASA astronomers are spooked when the full moon affects their experiments. Jakso 5 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

ti 16.04. klo 01.20 - 02.10 50 minDiscovery Science

Astronomers detect a potentially habitable planet tantalizingly close to Earth. A chance discovery at NASA reveals a top secret military space program. Jakso 4 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ma 15.04. klo 18.40 - 19.30 50 minDiscovery Science

Jupiter is hotter than it should be, and scientists are baffled. There's a strange discovery on Mars and detectives ask for NASA's help on a murder cold case. Jakso 10 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ma 15.04. klo 17.50 - 18.40 50 minDiscovery Science

A malfunction on the ISS could poison its crew with a deadly gas. A startling image taken by a NASA probe points to evidence that life could exist on Mars. Jakso 8 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

ma 15.04. klo 17.02 - 17.50 48 minDiscovery Science

A probe mysteriously malfunctions as it enters deep space. Astronomers find evidence of an invisible planet in a distant solar system. Jakso 7 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

la 13.04. klo 03.00 - 03.48 48 minDiscovery Science

Geysers are discovered on a frozen moon, NASA redirects a probe on a mission to find proof of life, and a future US President is eyewitness to a UFO. Jakso 3 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

la 13.04. klo 02.10 - 03.00 50 minDiscovery Science

Apollo 12 astronauts bring back something alive from the moon. Plus, NASA track an asteroid heading towards Earth and make a shocking discovery. Jakso 2 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

la 13.04. klo 01.20 - 02.10 50 minDiscovery Science

Did Apollo astronauts hear unexplained transmissions on the far side of the moon? Plus, an astronomer spots a strange disturbance in Martian atmosphere. Jakso 1 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

pe 12.04. klo 18.40 - 19.30 50 minDiscovery Science

A starling discovery suggests the hellish clouds of Venus may be the origin of life on Earth. Plus, did the earth once have two moons? Jakso 6 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

pe 12.04. klo 17.50 - 18.40 50 minDiscovery Science

Two cosmonauts fight for their lives, trapped inside a capsule in a frozen lake. NASA astronomers are spooked when the full moon affects their experiments. Jakso 5 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

pe 12.04. klo 17.02 - 17.50 48 minDiscovery Science

Astronomers detect a potentially habitable planet tantalizingly close to Earth. A chance discovery at NASA reveals a top secret military space program. Jakso 4 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

pe 12.04. klo 03.00 - 03.48 48 minDiscovery Science

Test pilot ace Gordon Cooper is preparing to test a revolutionary landing system when two UFOs appear. Plus, what is the mystery of Saturn's mega-hex? Jakso 6 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2014

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

pe 12.04. klo 02.10 - 03.00 50 minDiscovery Science

Could spaceships really be powered by atomic bombs? Plus, why was Neil Armstrong's transmission feed cut off when he spotted strange lights on the Moon? Jakso 5 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2014

NASA's Unexplained FilesU

pe 12.04. klo 01.20 - 02.10 50 minDiscovery Science

A planet shows evidence of an Earth-like atmosphere, while a mysterious glowing light suggests the impossible: an atmosphere on the Moon. Jakso 4 Kausi 1 Vuosi 2014

NASA's Unexplained Files

to 11.04. klo 18.40 - 19.30 50 minDiscovery Science

Geysers are discovered on a frozen moon, NASA redirects a probe on a mission to find proof of life, and a future US President is eyewitness to a UFO. Jakso 3 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

to 11.04. klo 17.50 - 18.40 50 minDiscovery Science

Apollo 12 astronauts bring back something alive from the moon. Plus, NASA track an asteroid heading towards Earth and make a shocking discovery. Jakso 2 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016

NASA's Unexplained Files

to 11.04. klo 17.02 - 17.50 48 minDiscovery Science

Did Apollo astronauts hear unexplained transmissions on the far side of the moon? Plus, an astronomer spots a strange disturbance in Martian atmosphere. Jakso 1 Kausi 3 Vuosi 2016
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