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Kanavan Viasat Nature ohjelmatiedot keskiviikkona 15.10.2014

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Wild About New Zealand

ke 15.10.2014 07.00 - 07.55 55 minViasat Nature

New Zealand is an extraordinary place: long isolated in the vast Pacific, it became an evolutionary ?laboratory?. Deep in its primeval forests live bizarre, unique and eccentric life forms; weird birds that refuse to fly, giant insects, and living fossils of unfathomable age. Travel across New Zealand and the constantly changing landscapes warp the senses: scenes of alpine Switzerland become arid Spain, tropical Borneo morphs into the high Andes - and all on a cluster of islands half the size of France! From the heights of Mount Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand?s highest peak, to the misty ?shadowlands? of Fiordland and the spectacular depths of the Hauraki Marine Park, Wild About New Zealand explores the magic that is found in New Zealand?s National Parks? wildernesses.

Wild Things

ke 15.10.2014 07.55 - 08.25 30 minViasat Nature

(Wild Things/2012) Britain's landscape has changed dramatically over the last 50 years with wild plants disappearing and strange new plants becoming familiar. Wild Things reveals how plants offer an understanding of changing wildlife.

Garden designer Chris Myers, his Labrador Lottie, botanist Dr Trevor Dines and lichenologist Sally Eaton search our cities and countryside to discover what grows where in Britain today and why.

Bold experiments and innovative approaches - from controlled explosions in military no-go zones to oven-roasting microscopic 'bears' that live by our roadsides - help explain why some plants have moved in, why others have disappeared, and how it all affects us.

Wild Things

ke 15.10.2014 08.25 - 08.55 30 minViasat Nature

(Wild Things/2012) Britain's landscape has changed dramatically over the last 50 years with wild plants disappearing and strange new plants becoming familiar. Wild Things reveals how plants offer an understanding of changing wildlife.

Garden designer Chris Myers, his Labrador Lottie, botanist Dr Trevor Dines and lichenologist Sally Eaton search our cities and countryside to discover what grows where in Britain today and why.

Bold experiments and innovative approaches - from controlled explosions in military no-go zones to oven-roasting microscopic 'bears' that live by our roadsides - help explain why some plants have moved in, why others have disappeared, and how it all affects us.

Hope for Wildlife

ke 15.10.2014 08.55 - 09.50 55 minViasat Nature

(Hope for Wildlife/2012) Hope Swinimer, Dr. Barry, Allison and a team of 100 volunteers return for another extraordinary series - rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing over 1,000 animals a year. This time, they are taking on an even bigger mission: to share and learn with other rehab centres like themselves and to create a national wildlife emergency response system. Changes and challenges must be overcome by Hope and the team, as new buildings are erected, exotic animals are brought in, and old friends and workers take their tearful exits. More than ever, Hope must share her ideas and expertise with other independent rehab centres, and invite donors, legislators and celebrities to the farm, to help her on her mission.

Animal Rescue Squad

ke 15.10.2014 09.50 - 10.15 25 minViasat Nature

(Animal Rescue Squad/2007) Presented by Matt Baker and Michaela Strachan, Animal Rescue Squad follows the frontline fight to save endangered species, wild animals and domestic pets at home and abroad. In series one, Michaela and the team travel to South Africa, Florida and California to meet the people and work on projects to save exotic wild animals. After the tough rescue and conservation work, the team then battle to save a wide array of animals - from elephants to manatees. Meanwhile, our UK based teams work with wildlife and pet rescue centres across the country. We also follow the busy lives of the staff working in one of the North East's biggest veterinary practices.

Animal Rescue Squad

ke 15.10.2014 10.15 - 10.45 30 minViasat Nature

(Animal Rescue Squad/2007) Presented by Matt Baker and Michaela Strachan, Animal Rescue Squad follows the frontline fight to save endangered species, wild animals and domestic pets at home and abroad. In series one, Michaela and the team travel to South Africa, Florida and California to meet the people and work on projects to save exotic wild animals. After the tough rescue and conservation work, the team then battle to save a wide array of animals - from elephants to manatees. Meanwhile, our UK based teams work with wildlife and pet rescue centres across the country. We also follow the busy lives of the staff working in one of the North East's biggest veterinary practices.

Unusual World

ke 15.10.2014 10.45 - 11.40 55 minViasat Nature

(Unusual World/2008) Flight is a gift given to many insects, and thanks to their wings they have conquered much of the planet?s environment. But what are the reasons for their biological success in the animal world? Some are aggressive, while others have fragile bodies with delicate wings. Their amazing colours and behaviors make up a world that we want to capture before it disappears forever. This stunning mini-series brings us closer to these natural marvels and shows just how unique and beautiful the creatures of the sky truly are.

The Zoo

ke 15.10.2014 11.40 - 12.10 30 minViasat Nature

(The Zoo/2012) This series captures all of Auckland Zoo?s special moments. It is a high adventure for Burma the elephant as she takes a plunge in the lagoon and walks on the wild side; we also go behind the scenes to meet new residents, including giraffe Jelani, who gets his sea legs on a five day trip across the Tasman Sea to meet his new herd in Australia, and the new squirrel monkeys who deliver a small surprise and a lot of laughs. The whole family will be entertained and often surprised by these fascinating stories! Discover how the animals live; how they are fed, exercised, amused, and kept safe 365 days a year by their dedicated carers!.

The Zoo

ke 15.10.2014 12.10 - 12.40 30 minViasat Nature

(The Zoo/2012) This series captures all of Auckland Zoo?s special moments. It is a high adventure for Burma the elephant as she takes a plunge in the lagoon and walks on the wild side; we also go behind the scenes to meet new residents, including giraffe Jelani, who gets his sea legs on a five day trip across the Tasman Sea to meet his new herd in Australia, and the new squirrel monkeys who deliver a small surprise and a lot of laughs. The whole family will be entertained and often surprised by these fascinating stories! Discover how the animals live; how they are fed, exercised, amused, and kept safe 365 days a year by their dedicated carers!.

Cheetah Diaries

ke 15.10.2014 12.40 - 13.05 25 minViasat Nature

(Cheetah Diaries/2009) The Cheetah Outreach organisation works at the cutting edge of conservation to ensure the survival of the wild cheetah in Southern Africa. The future of this species hangs on a knife-edge. This series follows Annie, Dawn, Kat, Liesl and the rest of the team at Cheetah Outreach, whose work makes a real difference for these critically endangered cats. It examines the loving relationships that exist between the team and their cheetahs, as these wild creatures live amongst humans in a unique extended family.

Cheetah Diaries

ke 15.10.2014 13.05 - 13.30 25 minViasat Nature

(Cheetah Diaries/2009) The Cheetah Outreach organisation works at the cutting edge of conservation to ensure the survival of the wild cheetah in Southern Africa. The future of this species hangs on a knife-edge. This series follows Annie, Dawn, Kat, Liesl and the rest of the team at Cheetah Outreach, whose work makes a real difference for these critically endangered cats. It examines the loving relationships that exist between the team and their cheetahs, as these wild creatures live amongst humans in a unique extended family.


ke 15.10.2014 13.30 - 14.25 55 minViasat Nature

A new era is here: welcome to Planet City. The end of 2008 marked a significant shift in the history of humanity - we are now a predominantly urban-living species. Today, every modern metropolis must respond to a fundamental question: how can nature play a central role in their development, which is both ecological and sustainable, and which allows humans to live in harmony, like in an ecosystem? New York, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro and Paris are pioneers. Each city is a giant laboratory, experimenting and developing urban ecology, according to its own natural history. Through their investigations, scientists, artists, architects and naturalists will find themselves at the forefront of these major technological and architectural challenges. Their aim is to create a synergy between city and nature, and work on the process of developing the ingredients for tomorrow?s world.

Harnas - Wildlife Rescue Camp

ke 15.10.2014 14.25 - 14.55 30 minViasat Nature

(Harnas - Wildlife Rescue Camp/2011) Harnas is a large farm in southern Africa which offers shelter to abandoned wild animals. The Van der Merwe family who own the farm take on volunteers from all over the world to help run their animal orphanage. They come to meet exotic animals and to get a taste of the "real" Africa. This is the story of the animals living at Harnas and some amazing people who do everything they can to help them.

Harnas - Wildlife Rescue Camp

ke 15.10.2014 14.55 - 15.25 30 minViasat Nature

(Harnas - Wildlife Rescue Camp/2011) Harnas is a large farm in southern Africa which offers shelter to abandoned wild animals. The Van der Merwe family who own the farm take on volunteers from all over the world to help run their animal orphanage. They come to meet exotic animals and to get a taste of the "real" Africa. This is the story of the animals living at Harnas and some amazing people who do everything they can to help them.

The Zoo

ke 15.10.2014 15.25 - 15.50 25 minViasat Nature

(The Zoo/2012) This series captures all of Auckland Zoo?s special moments. It is a high adventure for Burma the elephant as she takes a plunge in the lagoon and walks on the wild side; we also go behind the scenes to meet new residents, including giraffe Jelani, who gets his sea legs on a five day trip across the Tasman Sea to meet his new herd in Australia, and the new squirrel monkeys who deliver a small surprise and a lot of laughs. The whole family will be entertained and often surprised by these fascinating stories! Discover how the animals live; how they are fed, exercised, amused, and kept safe 365 days a year by their dedicated carers!.

The Zoo

ke 15.10.2014 15.50 - 16.20 30 minViasat Nature

(The Zoo/2012) This series captures all of Auckland Zoo?s special moments. It is a high adventure for Burma the elephant as she takes a plunge in the lagoon and walks on the wild side; we also go behind the scenes to meet new residents, including giraffe Jelani, who gets his sea legs on a five day trip across the Tasman Sea to meet his new herd in Australia, and the new squirrel monkeys who deliver a small surprise and a lot of laughs. The whole family will be entertained and often surprised by these fascinating stories! Discover how the animals live; how they are fed, exercised, amused, and kept safe 365 days a year by their dedicated carers!.

Animal Rescue Squad

ke 15.10.2014 16.20 - 16.45 25 minViasat Nature

(Animal Rescue Squad/2007) Presented by Matt Baker and Michaela Strachan, Animal Rescue Squad follows the frontline fight to save endangered species, wild animals and domestic pets at home and abroad. In series one, Michaela and the team travel to South Africa, Florida and California to meet the people and work on projects to save exotic wild animals. After the tough rescue and conservation work, the team then battle to save a wide array of animals - from elephants to manatees. Meanwhile, our UK based teams work with wildlife and pet rescue centres across the country. We also follow the busy lives of the staff working in one of the North East's biggest veterinary practices.

Animal Rescue Squad

ke 15.10.2014 16.45 - 17.10 25 minViasat Nature

(Animal Rescue Squad/2007) Presented by Matt Baker and Michaela Strachan, Animal Rescue Squad follows the frontline fight to save endangered species, wild animals and domestic pets at home and abroad. In series one, Michaela and the team travel to South Africa, Florida and California to meet the people and work on projects to save exotic wild animals. After the tough rescue and conservation work, the team then battle to save a wide array of animals - from elephants to manatees. Meanwhile, our UK based teams work with wildlife and pet rescue centres across the country. We also follow the busy lives of the staff working in one of the North East's biggest veterinary practices.


ke 15.10.2014 17.10 - 17.35 25 minViasat Nature

(Djurakuten/2013) Marsvinet Gucci har fått halm i ögat. Katten Idde är nyopererad och chihuahuan Valentino har brutit benet. När vi återvänder till Djurakuten så är patienterna nya, men omvårdnaden och kärleken till våra små vänner densamma. Men att hjälpa djur är inte lätt. Hur undersöker du en förvirrad svan? Hur hanterar du en ilsken iller, och hur mår du när din bäste lille vän måste opereras? Kärlek, skickliga veterinärer och fullt av känslor i Djurakuten ? Sveriges gulligaste TV-program.
Stora hundar eller små valpar. Små kattungar eller nyfikna marsvin. Oavsett vilket, har du någonsin haft ett husdjur så vet du hur mycket de små familjemedlemmarna betyder. Men precis som vi människor så kan djuren tyvärr bli sjuka ? något som kan bli både smärtsamt och kostsamt. På ett av norra Europas största djursjukhus, Strömsholm, finns specialistvård för våra fyrfota vänner. Varje år kommer över 20 000 djur hit från Sveriges alla hörn. Vi följer även arbetet och omsorgen på Strömsholms systerklinik Djurkliniken Roslagstull.
Operationer, intensivvård, medicinska utredningar, rehabilitering ? på Djurakuten är det vardag. Vi möter djuren, deras familjer och följer med på den känslomässiga berg- och dalbana som ett sjukhusbesök alltid innebär. Vi får också lära känna personalen, experterna och eldsjälarna som hittar sjukdomarna och botar våra små familjemedlemmar.


ke 15.10.2014 17.35 - 18.05 30 minViasat Nature

(Djurakuten/2013) Marsvinet Gucci har fått halm i ögat. Katten Idde är nyopererad och chihuahuan Valentino har brutit benet. När vi återvänder till Djurakuten så är patienterna nya, men omvårdnaden och kärleken till våra små vänner densamma. Men att hjälpa djur är inte lätt. Hur undersöker du en förvirrad svan? Hur hanterar du en ilsken iller, och hur mår du när din bäste lille vän måste opereras? Kärlek, skickliga veterinärer och fullt av känslor i Djurakuten ? Sveriges gulligaste TV-program.
Stora hundar eller små valpar. Små kattungar eller nyfikna marsvin. Oavsett vilket, har du någonsin haft ett husdjur så vet du hur mycket de små familjemedlemmarna betyder. Men precis som vi människor så kan djuren tyvärr bli sjuka ? något som kan bli både smärtsamt och kostsamt. På ett av norra Europas största djursjukhus, Strömsholm, finns specialistvård för våra fyrfota vänner. Varje år kommer över 20 000 djur hit från Sveriges alla hörn. Vi följer även arbetet och omsorgen på Strömsholms systerklinik Djurkliniken Roslagstull.
Operationer, intensivvård, medicinska utredningar, rehabilitering ? på Djurakuten är det vardag. Vi möter djuren, deras familjer och följer med på den känslomässiga berg- och dalbana som ett sjukhusbesök alltid innebär. Vi får också lära känna personalen, experterna och eldsjälarna som hittar sjukdomarna och botar våra små familjemedlemmar.

Wild Things

ke 15.10.2014 18.05 - 18.30 25 minViasat Nature

(Wild Things/2012) Britain's landscape has changed dramatically over the last 50 years with wild plants disappearing and strange new plants becoming familiar. Wild Things reveals how plants offer an understanding of changing wildlife.

Garden designer Chris Myers, his Labrador Lottie, botanist Dr Trevor Dines and lichenologist Sally Eaton search our cities and countryside to discover what grows where in Britain today and why.

Bold experiments and innovative approaches - from controlled explosions in military no-go zones to oven-roasting microscopic 'bears' that live by our roadsides - help explain why some plants have moved in, why others have disappeared, and how it all affects us.

Wild Things

ke 15.10.2014 18.30 - 19.00 30 minViasat Nature

(Wild Things/2012) Britain's landscape has changed dramatically over the last 50 years with wild plants disappearing and strange new plants becoming familiar. Wild Things reveals how plants offer an understanding of changing wildlife.

Garden designer Chris Myers, his Labrador Lottie, botanist Dr Trevor Dines and lichenologist Sally Eaton search our cities and countryside to discover what grows where in Britain today and why.

Bold experiments and innovative approaches - from controlled explosions in military no-go zones to oven-roasting microscopic 'bears' that live by our roadsides - help explain why some plants have moved in, why others have disappeared, and how it all affects us.


ke 15.10.2014 19.00 - 20.00 60 minViasat Nature

(Earthflight/2011) A stunning and wondrous series combining state-of-the-art technology and sophisticated techniques to show the world from an amazing aerial perspective. Each episode explores a different continent, with birds providing a dramatic narrative of their journeys across it. In North America, snow geese and bald eagles struggle from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada. In Europe, grey cranes dodge galloping horses of the Camargue and barnacle geese get lost over London. In South America, the condor and brightly coloured macaws travel through mountains and rainforest. Other episodes take in the astounding landscapes of Africa, Asia and Australia. Using an array of devices - onboard cameras, drones and birds trained to fly right alongside microlights - the series takes us over the planet's most incredible landscapes and wildlife spectacles and reveals what it's like to fly like a bird. Finally, episode six shows how this thrilling series was made and the close relationships between the birds and team who made it.

Sisäinen salaisuutemmeU

ke 15.10.2014 20.00 - 21.00 60 minViasat Nature

Kuinka ihmiskehosta muokkautui niin monimutkainen sekä omalaatuinen kone kuin se tänä päivänä on? Vastauksia voidaan kaivaa satojen miljoonien vuosien takaa. Sarja perustuu johtavan paleontologi Neil Shubin menestyskirjaan. Tämä sarja tutkii ihmiskehomme salattuja totuuksia. Ihmiskehosta voimme löytää miljoonia vuosia sitten elävien eläinten perinnön kuin myös sen keltä olemme perineet merkittävimmät piirteemme. Jokainen jakso kerää yhteen todisteet vertailevasta anatomiasta, fossiileista, genetiikasta sekä embryologiasta, jotta saisimme selville mysteerin ihmiskehoistamme.


ke 15.10.2014 21.00 - 22.00 60 minViasat Nature

(Vexed/2012) This second season introduces a new face with actress Miranda Raison (?Spooks?; ?Doctor Who?; ?Merlin?) joining the cast as Jack?s new partner, Georgina. Georgina is Jack?s polar opposite. Bright and fiercely ambitious, she is newly promoted to the position of Detective Inspector, brilliant at forensics, top of every police course going and keen to prove herself further. Unfortunately Jack has other plans and it?s not long before sparks fly as they together navigate the world of car sales, the physicality of the gym, strange cliques within universities, the competition for primary school places and whether diamonds really equal romance.


ke 15.10.2014 22.00 - 23.00 60 minViasat Nature

(Collision/2009) On the face of it, a major road accident is nothing more than a moment of total chaos bringing together a group of people who have never met before but who now share a defining moment that will change all their lives. Beyond the crumpled cars and beleaguered emergency services are the invisible dramas and when DI John Tolin begins his investigation he finds himself drawn into many different and dangerous worlds including government cover-ups, people smuggling, torn relationships and murder.


ke 15.10.2014 23.00 - 00.00 60 minViasat Nature

(Dexter/2011) Dexter is back and more killer than ever. The Emmy-nominated Showtime Original Series (Best Drama Series, Lead Actor in a Drama Series) returns for an all-new season ? and this time Dexter?s got a new take on taking life. Having faced some of his darkest demons, Dexter?s ready to put the past behind him. Now, with family life, a day job catching killers and an uncontrollable urge to do away with the ones that get away, Dexter?s got his work cut out for him.


to 16.10.2014 00.00 - 07.00 7h 0 minViasat Nature

(Leverage/2011) Leverage follows a five-person team made up of Alec Hardison, Eliot Spencer, Sophie Devereaux, Parker, and former insurance investigator Nate Ford, who use their skills to right corporate and governmental injustices inflicted on common citizens.
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