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How the Universe WorksU

to 09.05. klo 10.36 - 11.24 48 minDiscovery Science

Cosmic rays that damage human DNA are a serious risk in manned space exploration. Can physicists find the source of the rays and help reduce the danger? Jakso 2 Kausi 10 Vuosi 2022

How the Universe Works

to 09.05. klo 09.48 - 10.36 48 minDiscovery Science

New research is beginning to reveal an invisible scaffold of dark matter known as the Cosmic Web, an intergalactic network that transformed the universe. Jakso 1 Kausi 10 Vuosi 2022

How the Universe Works

to 09.05. klo 09.00 - 09.48 48 minDiscovery Science

Astronomers have discovered bizarre planets very different to Earth out in the galaxy, but will we ever locate a planet similar to our own? Jakso 8 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe WorksU

ke 08.05. klo 10.36 - 11.24 48 minDiscovery Science

Dark matter is one of the greatest mysteries of the universe facing scientists today. Could it be the cause of supermassive black holes and mass extinctions? Jakso 7 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe WorksU

ke 08.05. klo 09.48 - 10.36 48 minDiscovery Science

Despite Pluto's appearance as a dark and frozen world, scientists are investigating whether there might be warm liquid water beneath the surface. Jakso 6 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe Works

ke 08.05. klo 09.00 - 09.48 48 minDiscovery Science

Countdown of NASAs top six the deadliest stars - 'vampire' stars that drain their neighbours, supernovas and white dwarfs that destroy planets. Jakso 5 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe Works

ti 07.05. klo 10.36 - 11.24 48 minDiscovery Science

Once there was life on Mars - but scientists believe a series of devastating mass extinctions transformed a watery planet into a desert. Jakso 4 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe Works

ti 07.05. klo 09.48 - 10.36 48 minDiscovery Science

Supermassive black holes are so large they devour stars and shape galaxies. The latest science may answer why they grow so large. Jakso 3 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe Works

ti 07.05. klo 09.00 - 09.48 48 minDiscovery Science

The Universe is a violent and dangerous place. From exploding stars and colliding galaxies to nebula shockwaves - what are the worst places in the Universe? Jakso 2 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe WorksU

ti 07.05. klo 03.00 - 03.48 48 minDiscovery Science

The mysterious dark matter is thought to be the cosmic glue that holds the universe together, yet the search for it continues to puzzle scientists. Jakso 6 Kausi 10 Vuosi 2022

How the Universe WorksU

ti 07.05. klo 02.10 - 03.00 50 minDiscovery Science

Experts explore the most astonishing discoveries of the Voyager spacecraft. They examine how the operation has transformed into the ultimate mission. Jakso 4 Kausi 10 Vuosi 2022

How the Universe WorksU

ti 07.05. klo 01.20 - 02.10 50 minDiscovery Science

Earth's past is marked by one cosmic disaster after another, forging the path of human evolution. Experts explore how close the Earth has come to destruction. Jakso 3 Kausi 10 Vuosi 2022

How the Universe WorksU

ma 06.05. klo 22.00 - 22.50 50 minDiscovery Science

New research is beginning to reveal an invisible scaffold of dark matter known as the Cosmic Web, an intergalactic network that transformed the universe. Jakso 1 Kausi 10 Vuosi 2022

How the Universe Works

ma 06.05. klo 10.36 - 11.24 48 minDiscovery Science

Scientists have discovered evidence of a mysterious ninth planet on the very edge of our solar system, could its moons support extra-terrestrial life? Jakso 1 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe WorksU

su 05.05. klo 17.50 - 18.40 50 minDiscovery Science

Dark matter and energy battle for the cosmos and the winner will determine the universe's fate. New discoveries may reveal which force will win. Jakso 7 Kausi 7 Vuosi 2018

How the Universe Works

la 04.05. klo 03.00 - 03.48 48 minDiscovery Science

Cosmic rays that damage human DNA are a serious risk in manned space exploration. Can physicists find the source of the rays and help reduce the danger? Jakso 2 Kausi 10 Vuosi 2022

How the Universe Works

la 04.05. klo 02.10 - 03.00 50 minDiscovery Science

New research is beginning to reveal an invisible scaffold of dark matter known as the Cosmic Web, an intergalactic network that transformed the universe. Jakso 1 Kausi 10 Vuosi 2022

How the Universe WorksU

la 04.05. klo 01.20 - 02.10 50 minDiscovery Science

Astronomers have discovered bizarre planets very different to Earth out in the galaxy, but will we ever locate a planet similar to our own? Jakso 8 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe Works

pe 03.05. klo 18.40 - 19.30 50 minDiscovery Science

The mysterious dark matter is thought to be the cosmic glue that holds the universe together, yet the search for it continues to puzzle scientists. Jakso 6 Kausi 10 Vuosi 2022

How the Universe Works

pe 03.05. klo 17.50 - 18.40 50 minDiscovery Science

Experts explore the most astonishing discoveries of the Voyager spacecraft. They examine how the operation has transformed into the ultimate mission. Jakso 4 Kausi 10 Vuosi 2022

How the Universe Works

pe 03.05. klo 17.02 - 17.50 48 minDiscovery Science

Earth's past is marked by one cosmic disaster after another, forging the path of human evolution. Experts explore how close the Earth has come to destruction. Jakso 3 Kausi 10 Vuosi 2022

How the Universe WorksU

pe 03.05. klo 03.00 - 03.48 48 minDiscovery Science

Countdown of NASAs top six the deadliest stars - 'vampire' stars that drain their neighbours, supernovas and white dwarfs that destroy planets. Jakso 5 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe WorksU

pe 03.05. klo 02.10 - 03.00 50 minDiscovery Science

Once there was life on Mars - but scientists believe a series of devastating mass extinctions transformed a watery planet into a desert. Jakso 4 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe WorksU

pe 03.05. klo 01.20 - 02.10 50 minDiscovery Science

Supermassive black holes are so large they devour stars and shape galaxies. The latest science may answer why they grow so large. Jakso 3 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe Works

to 02.05. klo 18.40 - 19.30 50 minDiscovery Science

Astronomers have discovered bizarre planets very different to Earth out in the galaxy, but will we ever locate a planet similar to our own? Jakso 8 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe Works

to 02.05. klo 17.50 - 18.40 50 minDiscovery Science

Dark matter is one of the greatest mysteries of the universe facing scientists today. Could it be the cause of supermassive black holes and mass extinctions? Jakso 7 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe Works

to 02.05. klo 17.02 - 17.50 48 minDiscovery Science

Despite Pluto's appearance as a dark and frozen world, scientists are investigating whether there might be warm liquid water beneath the surface. Jakso 6 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe WorksU

to 02.05. klo 03.00 - 03.48 48 minDiscovery Science

The Universe is a violent and dangerous place. From exploding stars and colliding galaxies to nebula shockwaves - what are the worst places in the Universe? Jakso 2 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe WorksU

to 02.05. klo 02.10 - 03.00 50 minDiscovery Science

Scientists have discovered evidence of a mysterious ninth planet on the very edge of our solar system, could its moons support extra-terrestrial life? Jakso 1 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe Works

ke 01.05. klo 18.40 - 19.30 50 minDiscovery Science

Countdown of NASAs top six the deadliest stars - 'vampire' stars that drain their neighbours, supernovas and white dwarfs that destroy planets. Jakso 5 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe Works

ke 01.05. klo 17.50 - 18.40 50 minDiscovery Science

Once there was life on Mars - but scientists believe a series of devastating mass extinctions transformed a watery planet into a desert. Jakso 4 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe Works

ke 01.05. klo 17.02 - 17.50 48 minDiscovery Science

Supermassive black holes are so large they devour stars and shape galaxies. The latest science may answer why they grow so large. Jakso 3 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe Works

ti 30.04. klo 18.40 - 19.30 50 minDiscovery Science

The Universe is a violent and dangerous place. From exploding stars and colliding galaxies to nebula shockwaves - what are the worst places in the Universe? Jakso 2 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe Works

ti 30.04. klo 17.50 - 18.40 50 minDiscovery Science

Scientists have discovered evidence of a mysterious ninth planet on the very edge of our solar system, could its moons support extra-terrestrial life? Jakso 1 Kausi 5 Vuosi 2016

How the Universe Works

ti 30.04. klo 00.30 - 01.20 50 minDiscovery Science

For 20 years NASA's Cassini spacecraft revealed Saturn's strange secrets until it vaporized in its atmosphere. Now, fresh data points to new discoveries. Jakso 8 Kausi 7 Vuosi 2018

How the Universe Works

ma 29.04. klo 23.40 - 00.30 50 minDiscovery Science

Dark matter and energy battle for the cosmos and the winner will determine the universe's fate. New discoveries may reveal which force will win. Jakso 7 Kausi 7 Vuosi 2018

How the Universe WorksU

ma 29.04. klo 03.00 - 03.48 48 minDiscovery Science

The solar system is different to others in the Milky Way, but it hides a violent past. Scientists examine the clues to reveal its secret history. Jakso 9 Kausi 6 Vuosi 2017

How the Universe WorksU

ma 29.04. klo 02.10 - 03.00 50 minDiscovery Science

For four years, the Messenger space probe sent images of Mercury, the solar system's smallest planet, closest to the Sun. Could it threaten life on Earth? Jakso 8 Kausi 6 Vuosi 2017

How the Universe Works

la 27.04. klo 17.50 - 18.40 50 minDiscovery Science

The solar system is different to others in the Milky Way, but it hides a violent past. Scientists examine the clues to reveal its secret history. Jakso 9 Kausi 6 Vuosi 2017

How the Universe Works

la 27.04. klo 17.02 - 17.50 48 minDiscovery Science

For four years, the Messenger space probe sent images of Mercury, the solar system's smallest planet, closest to the Sun. Could it threaten life on Earth? Jakso 8 Kausi 6 Vuosi 2017

How the Universe Works

la 27.04. klo 08.12 - 09.00 48 minDiscovery Science

Once thought to be an inevitable disaster, scientists now have the technology to prevent asteroids from hitting the Earth. How are they working to do this? Jakso 7 Kausi 6 Vuosi 2017

How the Universe Works

la 27.04. klo 07.24 - 08.12 48 minDiscovery Science

The Milky Way is dying and scientists are trying to discover what's killing it. Scientists must trace its whereabouts over the past 13.6 billion years. Jakso 6 Kausi 6 Vuosi 2017

How the Universe Works

ti 23.04. klo 00.30 - 01.20 50 minDiscovery Science

New discoveries lead scientists to question if the Big Bang really happened. They investigate if it was the start of many multiverses. Jakso 6 Kausi 7 Vuosi 2018

How the Universe Works

ma 22.04. klo 23.40 - 00.30 50 minDiscovery Science

Interstellar space is the space between the universe's stars. New discoveries reveal that it's not empty and unremarkable as previously thought. Jakso 5 Kausi 7 Vuosi 2018

How the Universe WorksU

ma 22.04. klo 03.00 - 03.48 48 minDiscovery Science

Once thought to be an inevitable disaster, scientists now have the technology to prevent asteroids from hitting the Earth. How are they working to do this? Jakso 7 Kausi 6 Vuosi 2017

How the Universe WorksU

ma 22.04. klo 02.10 - 03.00 50 minDiscovery Science

The Milky Way is dying and scientists are trying to discover what's killing it. Scientists must trace its whereabouts over the past 13.6 billion years. Jakso 6 Kausi 6 Vuosi 2017

How the Universe Works

la 20.04. klo 17.50 - 18.40 50 minDiscovery Science

Once thought to be an inevitable disaster, scientists now have the technology to prevent asteroids from hitting the Earth. How are they working to do this? Jakso 7 Kausi 6 Vuosi 2017

How the Universe Works

la 20.04. klo 17.02 - 17.50 48 minDiscovery Science

The Milky Way is dying and scientists are trying to discover what's killing it. Scientists must trace its whereabouts over the past 13.6 billion years. Jakso 6 Kausi 6 Vuosi 2017

How the Universe Works

la 20.04. klo 08.12 - 09.00 48 minDiscovery Science

Quasars are the brightest objects in space, powered by black holes, and the most mysterious. How do they shape the universe and ultimately aid in its destruction? Jakso 5 Kausi 6 Vuosi 2017

How the Universe Works

la 20.04. klo 07.24 - 08.12 48 minDiscovery Science

New research shows the migration of ice planets may have helped start life on Earth, and stopped it being destroyed. How are they so vital? Jakso 4 Kausi 6 Vuosi 2017
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