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Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut

tänään 22.50 - 23.15 25 minDisney Channel

Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
Ladybug ja muut supersankarit kohtaavat Rankkutiimin. Marinette ja Adrien ovat kaksi erikoista yläastelaista. Heidät on valittu pelastamaan Pariisi! Heidän tehtävänsä on kaapata ilkeät otukset, Akumat, jotka muuttavat kaikki superpahiksiksi Yhdysvallat/Ranska/Japani/Korean tasavalta/Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta 2021.

La Liga: Sevilla - Mallorca

tänään 23.00 - 01.00 2h 0 minMTV Urheilu 2

La Liga. Sevilla - Mallorca ( 22.4.2024 ). Englanninkielinen selostus. jakso 320

Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut

tänään 23.15 - 23.35 20 minDisney Channel

Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
Shadow Moth käynnistää viimeisen iskunsa Marinette ja Adrien ovat kaksi erikoista yläastelaista. Heidät on valittu pelastamaan Pariisi! Heidän tehtävänsä on kaapata ilkeät otukset, Akumat, jotka muuttavat kaikki superpahiksiksi Ranska/Japani/Korean tasavalta/Yhdysvallat/Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta 2021.

IS esittää: Sain sen videolleS

tänään 23.25 - 23.35 10 minJim

Kausi 1. Jakso 18/23. Ilta-Sanomat julkaisee kymmeniä lukijoiden kuvaamia videoita kuukaudessa. Suomalaisen luonnon ihmeet, sattumukset liikenteessä ja arjen erikoiset tilanteet päätyvät usein videolle. Sain sen videolle -ohjelmassa nähdään valittuja paloja IS:n lukijoiden kuvaamista videoista. (5')

Puoli seitsemänU

tänään 23.40 - 00.11 31 minYle TV1

Puoli seitsemän
Puoli seiskan risteily Itämeren aalloilla alkaa. Ensimmäisen illan vieraana on laulaja Janna. Tuulianna sekoittaa kilpaa mocktaileja laulaja Olli Halosen kanssa. Juontajina Ella Kanninen ja Mikko Kekäläinen. #Puoli7
Lue juttu

24H Series: Hankook 24H SeriesU

huomenna 00.00 - 01.00 60 minMTV Max

24H Series. Moottoriurheilun makasiiniohjelma 24H series kilpa- ja touring-autojen sarjasta. Englanninkielinen ohjelma. kausi 2024 jakso 2

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 00.00 - 00.10 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr Bean's car is filthy so he gives it a good wash. His sparklingly clean car attracts the attention of other drivers who offer to pay Mr Bean to wash their cars too. Bean cannot resist and builds a car-washing contraption to help him out. But when a certain very posh visitor’s car gets damaged Bean thinks he’s for the chop. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2015.

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 00.10 - 00.20 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr Bean chases Scrapper around Mrs Wicket's flat but her sideboard tumbles over, and when Bean sees a bit of fur poking out from under it, he thinks he has squashed Scrapper. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2015.

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 00.20 - 00.30 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr Bean plays gooseberry when Mrs Wicket falls in love with a man Mr Bean doesn’t trust. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2015.

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 00.30 - 00.40 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr Bean loves Halloween and prepares to give the neighbourhood kids some tricks and treats they will not forget. Then he gets carried away with his spooky pranks and becomes the target of even more fiendish tricks by his neighbours, the Bruisers. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2015.

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 00.40 - 00.50 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr Bean is painting a picture of Teddy when he accidently squirts some green paint onto his brown wallpaper. Oh no! Bean needs to redecorate his room fast but ends up painting all the walls a garish lime green instead of brown. He’s so terrified of Mrs Wicket finding out that when he goes to bed he has some very weird nightmares – with a rather sickly ending. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2015.

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 00.50 - 00.59 9 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr Bean is no fan of wrestling. But he’s promised to take Mrs Wicket and her friend Mrs Wince to a big wrestling match in town. Bean finds himself lost backstage at the stadium and accidentally wanders through a door and straight into the wrestling ring where he finds himself up against Side Kick Rick. More by luck than talent Bean wins the match – only to find that now he has to fight the terrifying Bruise Force. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2015.


huomenna 00.55 - 01.55 60 minTV6

Jason och teamet måste rädda en rysk forskare och hans fru och ta dem över Afghanistans gräns. Men specialstyrkor från Ryssland och Kina är dem hack i häl och gör allt för att stoppa dem. Vi följer ett SEAL-teams professionella och privata liv när de skickas på hemliga och farliga uppdrag, och uppvisar en orubblig patriotism och orädd hängivenhet även vid överväldigande odds. USA 2017.

Blue SerengetiU

huomenna 01.00 - 01.45 45 minAnimal Planet

Blue Serengeti
Haitutkija Barbara Block kertoo "Sinisestä Serengetistä", aiemmin tuntemattomasta maailmasta, joka nyt avautuu sekä petoihin että saaliskaloihin kiinnitettyjen kameroiden avulla.

Villit selviytymistaidotU

huomenna 01.25 - 02.15 50 minViasat Nature

Villit selviytymistaidot
Eläinten täytyy jatkuvasti ylittää esteitä päästäkseen aikuisikään asti. Aina manteista obeisaan, jotkut eläimet ovat kehittäneet mitä erikoisempia sopeutumistapoja elääkseen vanhuuteen asti. Nyt pääsevät esille luonnon villeimmät, uskomattomimmat ja joskus oudoimmatkin eläimet. Ne ovat sopeutuneet elämään maapallon jokaisessa kolkassa. Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019. kausi 2 jakso 6

Setä Bräsig

huomenna 01.55 - 03.40 1h 45 minSF-Kanalen

Komedia kaikenlaisista juonitteluista, sekä rakkauden että bisneksen tiimoilta, skånelaisen Poppelhagenin kartanon ympärillä. 105 min. Ohjaus: Bror Bügler. Pääosissa: Edvard Persson,Georg Fant,Bror Bügler,Birgitta Valberg.(Livet på Landet, Comedy, Sweden, 1943)

Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut

huomenna 02.00 - 02.20 20 minDisney Channel

Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
Kun Chloé uhkaa lähteä Pariisista, herra Bourgeois akumatisoidaan Maledikatoriksi, jolla on äärimmäinen valta ja joka tahtoo saada toteutettua tyttärensä unelmat, jotta tämä jäisi hänen luokseen! Onnistuuko Ladybug pysäyttämään hänet? Marinette ja Adrien ovat kaksi erikoista yläastelaista. Heidät on valittu pelastamaan Pariisi! Heidän tehtävänsä on kaapata ilkeät otukset, Akumat, jotka muuttavat kaikki superpahiksiksi Yhdysvallat/Ranska/Japani/Korean tasavalta/Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta 2017.

Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut

huomenna 02.20 - 02.40 20 minDisney Channel

Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
Pariisissa on sankareiden päivä ja kaikkien täytyy tehdä sen kunniaksi hyvä teko. Päivä kuitenkin muuttuu painajaiseksi, kun Hawk Moth akumatisoi Nathalien Catalystiksi pannakseen kauan laatimansa suunnitelman käytäntöön… Marinette ja Adrien ovat kaksi erikoista yläastelaista. Heidät on valittu pelastamaan Pariisi! Heidän tehtävänsä on kaapata ilkeät otukset, Akumat, jotka muuttavat kaikki superpahiksiksi Yhdysvallat/Ranska/Japani/Korean tasavalta/Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta 2017.

Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailut

huomenna 03.25 - 03.45 20 minNick Jr

Paddington ja musta aukko / Paddington ja sateenkaaren pää. Kun Puutarhakadulla alkaa kadota tavaroita, ja Jonathan syyttää siitä mustaa aukkoa ja Paddington lähtee avaruuteen. // Simi ja Paddington yrittävät löytää kultaa sateenkaaren päästä sen jälkeen, kun ovat rikkoneet Baazin kaleidoskoopin kausi 03 jakso 04

Blue SerengetiU

huomenna 04.00 - 04.45 45 minAnimal Planet

Blue Serengeti
Haitutkija Barbara Block kertoo "Sinisestä Serengetistä", aiemmin tuntemattomasta maailmasta, joka nyt avautuu sekä petoihin että saaliskaloihin kiinnitettyjen kameroiden avulla.

On Set

huomenna 04.20 - 04.45 25 minMTV Viihde

Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse. kausi 1 jakso 48

On Set

huomenna 04.30 - 05.00 30 minMTV Aitio

Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse. kausi 1 jakso 37

On Set

huomenna 05.15 - 05.45 30 minMTV Aitio

Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse. kausi 1 jakso 33

On Set

huomenna 05.45 - 06.10 25 minMTV Aitio

Viihdeohjelma On Set vie Hollywoodin tähtitehtaan kulissien taakse. kausi 1 jakso 32

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 06.30 - 06.40 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr Bean sees a new toy car in the window of the local department store Havlotts and decides he must have it. But on the way to the toy department Mr Bean gets stuck in the lift. He tries his best to entertain his fellow passengers but they aren't very appreciative. How can Mr Bean resolve the situation and get the toy he so desperately wants? Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2015.

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 06.40 - 06.50 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr Bean attempts to build a shady gazebo in the back garden on a scorching hot day. But as he digs into the ground he unearths a huge unexploded bomb. Trying to make Mrs Wicket aware of the danger and save Scrapper and Teddy from being blown to smithereens takes courage nerve and a Bean styled homemade bomb disposal kit. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2015.

Miraculous: Ladybugin ja Cat Noirin seikkailut7

huomenna 06.45 - 07.10 25 minNelonen

Kausi 1. Jakso 24/26. Marinette ja Adrien suojelevat kaupunkiaan vihollisilta muuttumalla supersankareiksi nimeltään Ladybug ja Cat Noir! Sarjassa puhutaan suomea. Lastenohjelma. (21') Ohjelmatekstitys.

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 06.50 - 07.00 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr Bean goes to the theatre to see a performance by a celebrated hypnotist Dr Daze. Bean is super keen to come up on stage and be part of the show. But after being hypnotized Bean unknowingly leaves the theatre not realizing that he is still under the influence and certain trigger sounds have him doing silly things at unexpected and embarrassing moments. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2015.

Mr. Bean: The Animated SeriesU

huomenna 07.40 - 07.50 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Who's afraid of daft films about giant killer cats, blobs from outer space and thumb-size men who dance around in sugar bowls? Mr. Bean is. He's very afraid. A trip to the cinema makes Mr. Bean’s imagination play tricks on him. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2002.

Mr. Bean: The Animated SeriesU

huomenna 07.50 - 08.00 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr Bean tries his hand as an international art sleuth. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2002.

Villit selviytymistaidot

huomenna 08.45 - 09.30 45 minViasat Nature

Villit selviytymistaidot
Metsät ja viidakot vilisevät elämää. Uuden-Seelannin snaressartenpingviineistä Madagaskarin lehtihäntäiseen gekkoon ja fossaan, useat lajit ovat löytäneet kotinsa puusta. Nyt pääsevät esille luonnon villeimmät, uskomattomimmat ja joskus oudoimmatkin eläimet. Ne ovat sopeutuneet elämään maapallon jokaisessa kolkassa. Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2019. kausi 2 jakso 7

Puoli seitsemänU

huomenna 09.00 - 09.30 30 minTV Finland

Puoli seitsemän
Entinen lumilautailija Heikki Sorsa viihtyy nykyään hevosten parissa. Ihmettelemme Tukholmassa kuuluuko banaani pitsaan. Juontajina Ella Kanninen ja Mikko Kekäläinen. #Puoli7
Lue juttu

Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut

huomenna 09.05 - 09.25 20 minDisney Channel

Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
Ladybug ja Cat Noir kohtaavat Huijarin. Marinette ja Adrien ovat kaksi erikoista yläastelaista. Heidät on valittu pelastamaan Pariisi! Heidän tehtävänsä on kaapata ilkeät otukset, Akumat, jotka muuttavat kaikki superpahiksiksi Ranska/Japani/Korean tasavalta/Yhdysvallat/Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta 2022.

Karhuherra Paddingtonin seikkailutU

huomenna 09.10 - 09.35 25 minNick Jr

Paddginton ja kolme muskettisoturia / Paddingtonin dinosaurusjahti. Paddington auttaa Mateota päättämään lempihahmonsa, jotta tämä voisi pukeutua häneksi maailman kirjapäivänä. // Paddington, Simi ja Jonathan ovat dinojahdissa puiston saarella, mutta eihän dinoja ole enää olemassa. Vai onko? kausi 03 jakso 03

Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut

huomenna 09.25 - 09.50 25 minDisney Channel

Miraculous: Ladybug ja Cat Noir seikkailut
Chloén takia luokkakuvasta pois jäänyt Juleka akumatisoituu Reflektaksi. Hän muuttaa kaikki oman itsensä kopioiksi – myös Cat Noirin! Ladybug on ainoa, joka voi pysäyttää hänet. Marinette ja Adrien ovat kaksi erikoista yläastelaista. Heidät on valittu pelastamaan Pariisi! Heidän tehtävänsä on kaapata ilkeät otukset, Akumat, jotka muuttavat kaikki superpahiksiksi Ranska/Japani/Korean tasavalta/Yhdysvallat/Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta 2015.

Puoli seitsemän

huomenna 09.30 - 10.01 31 minYle TV1

Puoli seitsemän
Puoli seiskan risteily Itämeren aalloilla alkaa. Ensimmäisen illan vieraana on laulaja Janna. Tuulianna sekoittaa kilpaa mocktaileja laulaja Olli Halosen kanssa. Juontajina Ella Kanninen ja Mikko Kekäläinen. #Puoli7
Lue juttu

Volle Kanne - Service täglich

huomenna 10.05 - 11.30 1h 25 minZDF

Volle Kanne - Service täglich
Das ZDF-Magazin präsentiert prominente Gäste und viel Service am Morgen. Dazu gibt es Rezepte, Verbraucher- und Gesundheitstipps sowie Trends rund ums Wohnen, um Garten, Sport und Mode. Deutschland 2024.

Uusi-Seelanti: maapallon mystiset saaret

huomenna 10.20 - 11.25 1h 5 minViasat Nature

Uusi-Seelanti: maapallon mystiset saaret
Dinosaurusten ajoista lähtien eristyneen Uuden-Seelannin eläimistö on elänyt omillaan ja sen metsissä vaanivat jurakautiset pedot. Mystinen ja odottamaton tarina eksoottisesta ja eristyneestä saariryhmästä avautuu nyt Uuden-Seelannin villeimpien paikkojen ja kestävimpien pioneerien kertomana. Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2016.

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 10.30 - 10.40 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr Bean is not allowed to fly off on holiday as his passport has no photograph. After failing to get one from a photo booth he tries numerous other ways to get his photo taken including photobombing a tourist’s snap. None of these work but after Bean is arrested maybe the police can assist him. Say cheese! Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2002.

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 10.40 - 10.50 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr Bean wants to impress Irma by entering them both into a dance competition at the local park. But his tango is terrible and his rumba ridiculous so he enrols for lessons at a local dance school. After an unsuccessful class at the dance studio and a trip to the library to teach himself Mr Bean has lost track of time. He needs to make it up to a disgruntled Irma but will his homemade effort ‘win’ her over. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2015.

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 10.50 - 11.05 15 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr Bean manages to get himself locked in a department store overnight while spending too long trying on clothes. Bean takes advantage of the situation having fun in the various departments. But when he discovers a robbery taking place the fun and games stop as the desperate burglar chases Bean from floor to floor and all around the store. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2015.

La maison des Maternelles, à votre service

huomenna 10.59 - 11.35 36 minFrance 2

La maison des Maternelles, à votre service
Dans cette seconde partie de l’émission, l’équipe de coachs de La maison des Maternelles est là pour répondre à vos questions et vous donner des conseils précieux dans votre vie de famille. France 2024.

Uusi-Seelanti: maapallon mystiset saaret

huomenna 11.25 - 12.25 60 minViasat Nature

Uusi-Seelanti: maapallon mystiset saaret
Huippuälykkäistä papukaijoista vaarallisiin etanoihin ja taianomaisiin kiiltomatojen muodostelmiin tämä tarina kertoo Uuden-Seelannin villeimmistä paikoista ja kestävimmistä pioneereista. Mystinen ja odottamaton tarina eksoottisesta ja eristyneestä saariryhmästä avautuu nyt Uuden-Seelannin villeimpien paikkojen ja kestävimpien pioneerien kertomana. Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2016. kausi 1 jakso 2

Uusi-Seelanti: maapallon mystiset saaret

huomenna 12.25 - 13.25 60 minViasat Nature

Uusi-Seelanti: maapallon mystiset saaret
Alkuperäislajien kokemusten näkövinkkelistä kerrottu liikuttava tarina kertoo, miten ihmisen saapuminen vaikutti Uuden-Seelannin eläimistön kohtaloon. Mystinen ja odottamaton tarina eksoottisesta ja eristyneestä saariryhmästä avautuu nyt Uuden-Seelannin villeimpien paikkojen ja kestävimpien pioneerien kertomana. Britannia, dokumenttisarja, 2016. kausi 1 jakso 3

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 13.04 - 13.15 11 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
When his model aeroplane is blown out of the sky by that of a rival kid, Mr. Bean sets his sights on revenge. Next day, his newly constructed fighter plane, almost ready for take-off, sadly lacks a vital part – and the blinking model shop is shut! No matter. It’s chocks away with Teddy at the controls, fighting for airspace over London N10. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2002.

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 13.15 - 13.25 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr Bean discovers the great outdoors is not always so great. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2002.

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 13.25 - 13.35 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
When Mr. Bean breaks his favourite Royal mug he discovers there's only one place to buy a replacement: Buckingham Palace, home of the Queen of England. When one of Her Majesty's corgis runs off with his teddy, Bean gives chase through secret tunnels… and gets lost. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2002.

Seniorsurfarna - återträffenU

huomenna 13.30 - 14.00 30 minSVT1

Seniorsurfarna - återträffen
Siw Malmkvist, Carl Jan Granqvist, Hasse Andersson och Ann Westin har återvänt till Kroksta Gård för att ge sig i kast med sina digitala tillkortakommanden. Siw är jättearg för att hennes lösenord aldrig funkar. Hasse får repetera hur smart det är med kontokort i mobilen. Det blir många glada återseenden men även nya bekantskaper när de gamla deltagarna tar sig tillbaka till Kroksta gård för att repetera sina digitala färdigheter. Tillsammans tar de sig an de utmaningar många seniorer står inför. Sverige 2023.

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 13.35 - 13.45 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr Bean takes a trip down Memory Lane Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2002.

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

huomenna 13.45 - 13.55 10 minCartoonito

Mr. Bean: The Animated Series
Mr. Bean finds himself lumbered with an unwanted pet in the form of a four-legged ball of pink fur with piggy eyes and a penchant for earthworms. Encyclopedias leave him none the wiser as to the identity of the pesky creature but Bean can’t bring himself to just abandon it. The puzzle is eventually solved after a picnic in the park and a raid on the local pet shop. Bean is Back! Mr Bean is back for a second series of his animated adventures. Starring in 52 brand new episodes Mr Bean creates his own electricity wins a cruise inadvertently becomes a teacher makes his own horror movie is hypnotised wins a wrestling match and finds himself in many other hilarious escapades. This series follows Mr Bean his best friend Teddy and his long-suffering landlady Mrs Wicket as we witness more of the mishaps that surround Mr Bean’s daily life. United Kingdom 2002.
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