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ma 22.05.2017 04.10 - 05.00 50 minTV6

Året är 1729 och den karibiska ön Santa Compana är den första fungerande amerikanska demokratin. Den ohygglige piraten Edward Teach, kallad Svartskägg (John Malkovich), styr över en önation av skurkar, tjuvar, och skumma sjömän. För att få kontroll över detta förskräckliga samhälle skickas den skicklige hemlige agenten Tom Lowe till sjörövarens tillhåll för att ha ihjäl den karismatiske och intelligente Svartskägg. Men ju närmre Lowe kommer desto svårare ter sig hans uppdrag eftersom han mot sin vilja beundrar Svartskäggs politiska ideal. Lowe är dock inte det enda hotet mot Svartskäggs styre. Han har många skurkaktiga rivaler och dessutom en stor svag punkt: en passionerad och driven kvinna som han inte kan motstå. Svartskägg. Svartskägg riskerar allt när William Jagger börjar en vansinnig attack. Tom Lowe måste välja mellan att rädda människorna han bryr sig om och att bevara Edward Teachs arv.


ma 15.05.2017 04.35 - 05.15 40 minTV6

Året är 1729 och den karibiska ön Santa Compana är den första fungerande amerikanska demokratin. Den ohygglige piraten Edward Teach, kallad Svartskägg (John Malkovich), styr över en önation av skurkar, tjuvar, och skumma sjömän. För att få kontroll över detta förskräckliga samhälle skickas den skicklige hemlige agenten Tom Lowe till sjörövarens tillhåll för att ha ihjäl den karismatiske och intelligente Svartskägg. Men ju närmre Lowe kommer desto svårare ter sig hans uppdrag eftersom han mot sin vilja beundrar Svartskäggs politiska ideal. Lowe är dock inte det enda hotet mot Svartskäggs styre. Han har många skurkaktiga rivaler och dessutom en stor svag punkt: en passionerad och driven kvinna som han inte kan motstå. Benkors. Svartskägg seglar ut för att påbörja första delen av sitt stora slutspel. På Santa Compana ber Selima Lowe om en förfärande tjänst som sätter bådas liv i fara.


ma 08.05.2017 03.20 - 04.10 50 minTV6

Året är 1729 och den karibiska ön Santa Compana är den första fungerande amerikanska demokratin. Den ohygglige piraten Edward Teach, kallad Svartskägg (John Malkovich), styr över en önation av skurkar, tjuvar, och skumma sjömän. För att få kontroll över detta förskräckliga samhälle skickas den skicklige hemlige agenten Tom Lowe till sjörövarens tillhåll för att ha ihjäl den karismatiske och intelligente Svartskägg. Men ju närmre Lowe kommer desto svårare ter sig hans uppdrag eftersom han mot sin vilja beundrar Svartskäggs politiska ideal. Lowe är dock inte det enda hotet mot Svartskäggs styre. Han har många skurkaktiga rivaler och dessutom en stor svag punkt: en passionerad och driven kvinna som han inte kan motstå. Tiggaren. Lowe beskylls för mord och måste anordna sitt sitt eget försvar kedjad till en påle på stadens torg. Försöken försvåras av upptäckten av ännu ett mord, ett som han verkligen har begått.


ma 24.04.2017 05.10 - 05.50 40 minTV6

Året är 1729 och den karibiska ön Santa Compana är den första fungerande amerikanska demokratin. Den ohygglige piraten Edward Teach, kallad Svartskägg (John Malkovich), styr över en önation av skurkar, tjuvar, och skumma sjömän. För att få kontroll över detta förskräckliga samhälle skickas den skicklige hemlige agenten Tom Lowe till sjörövarens tillhåll för att ha ihjäl den karismatiske och intelligente Svartskägg. Men ju närmre Lowe kommer desto svårare ter sig hans uppdrag eftersom han mot sin vilja beundrar Svartskäggs politiska ideal. Lowe är dock inte det enda hotet mot Svartskäggs styre. Han har många skurkaktiga rivaler och dessutom en stor svag punkt: en passionerad och driven kvinna som han inte kan motstå. Ett hål i huvudet. Lowe planerar att tillfångata Svartskägg och överlåta honom till Jagger för att rädda önationen. Jagger besöker ett sinnessjukhus i tron att en patient där kan hjälpa honom besegra Svartskägg.


ma 17.04.2017 05.25 - 06.10 45 minTV6

Året är 1729 och den karibiska ön Santa Compana är den första fungerande amerikanska demokratin. Den ohygglige piraten Edward Teach, kallad Svartskägg (John Malkovich), styr över en önation av skurkar, tjuvar, och skumma sjömän. För att få kontroll över detta förskräckliga samhälle skickas den skicklige hemlige agenten Tom Lowe till sjörövarens tillhåll för att ha ihjäl den karismatiske och intelligente Svartskägg. Men ju närmre Lowe kommer desto svårare ter sig hans uppdrag eftersom han mot sin vilja beundrar Svartskäggs politiska ideal. Lowe är dock inte det enda hotet mot Svartskäggs styre. Han har många skurkaktiga rivaler och dessutom en stor svag punkt: en passionerad och driven kvinna som han inte kan motstå. Återkomsten. I tron att Svartskägg planerar en attack mot brittiska civila tar sigTom Lowe tillbaka till sin spionchef William Jagger. Väl där förstår han dock att Jagger är den verklige galningen.


ma 10.04.2017 04.10 - 04.55 45 minTV6

Året är 1729 och den karibiska ön Santa Compana är den första fungerande amerikanska demokratin. Den ohygglige piraten Edward Teach, kallad Svartskägg (John Malkovich), styr över en önation av skurkar, tjuvar, och skumma sjömän. För att få kontroll över detta förskräckliga samhälle skickas den skicklige hemlige agenten Tom Lowe till sjörövarens tillhåll för att ha ihjäl den karismatiske och intelligente Svartskägg. Men ju närmre Lowe kommer desto svårare ter sig hans uppdrag eftersom han mot sin vilja beundrar Svartskäggs politiska ideal. Lowe är dock inte det enda hotet mot Svartskäggs styre. Han har många skurkaktiga rivaler och dessutom en stor svag punkt: en passionerad och driven kvinna som han inte kan motstå. Antoinette. Lowe ger sig av till Jamaica för att hjälpa Svartskägg men begår ett misstag som kan äventyra allt han hittills byggt upp.


ma 03.04.2017 05.20 - 06.05 45 minTV6

Året är 1729 och den karibiska ön Santa Compana är den första fungerande amerikanska demokratin. Den ohygglige piraten Edward Teach, kallad Svartskägg (John Malkovich), styr över en önation av skurkar, tjuvar, och skumma sjömän. För att få kontroll över detta förskräckliga samhälle skickas den skicklige hemlige agenten Tom Lowe till sjörövarens tillhåll för att ha ihjäl den karismatiske och intelligente Svartskägg. Men ju närmre Lowe kommer desto svårare ter sig hans uppdrag eftersom han mot sin vilja beundrar Svartskäggs politiska ideal. Lowe är dock inte det enda hotet mot Svartskäggs styre. Han har många skurkaktiga rivaler och dessutom en stor svag punkt: en passionerad och driven kvinna som han inte kan motstå. Mannen som dödade Svartskägg. Kate tillfångatas och Svartskäggs mannar beger sig för att rädda henne. Lowe och Svartskägg upptäcker att den brutala William Jagger nått först till mål och en svårare strid än de trott väntar.


ma 27.03.2017 04.00 - 04.50 50 minTV6

Året är 1729 och den karibiska ön Santa Compana är den första fungerande amerikanska demokratin. Den ohygglige piraten Edward Teach, kallad Svartskägg (John Malkovich), styr över en önation av skurkar, tjuvar, och skumma sjömän. För att få kontroll över detta förskräckliga samhälle skickas den skicklige hemlige agenten Tom Lowe till sjörövarens tillhåll för att ha ihjäl den karismatiske och intelligente Svartskägg. Men ju närmre Lowe kommer desto svårare ter sig hans uppdrag eftersom han mot sin vilja beundrar Svartskäggs politiska ideal. Lowe är dock inte det enda hotet mot Svartskäggs styre. Han har många skurkaktiga rivaler och dessutom en stor svag punkt: en passionerad och driven kvinna som han inte kan motstå. Förbundet. Världens mest fruktade pirat Samuel Valentine kommer till Santa Compana. Svartskägg vill att han ska sälja kronometern. Lowe fortstätter studera Svartskägg och kronometern.


ma 20.03.2017 03.40 - 04.30 50 minTV6

Året är 1729 och den karibiska ön Santa Compana är den första fungerande amerikanska demokratin. Den ohygglige piraten Edward Teach, kallad Svartskägg (John Malkovich), styr över en önation av skurkar, tjuvar, och skumma sjömän. För att få kontroll över detta förskräckliga samhälle skickas den skicklige hemlige agenten Tom Lowe till sjörövarens tillhåll för att ha ihjäl den karismatiske och intelligente Svartskägg. Men ju närmre Lowe kommer desto svårare ter sig hans uppdrag eftersom han mot sin vilja beundrar Svartskäggs politiska ideal. Lowe är dock inte det enda hotet mot Svartskäggs styre. Han har många skurkaktiga rivaler och dessutom en stor svag punkt: en passionerad och driven kvinna som han inte kan motstå. Djävulens rike. Den revolutionerande longitudkronometern stjäls av sjörövare som jobbar för Svartskägg, en pirat som man trott var död. Den engelske spionen Tom Lowe skickas för att mörda honom.


ke 21.10.2015 22.40 - 23.30 50 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ke 21.10.2015 22.00 - 22.40 40 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ke 14.10.2015 22.50 - 23.30 40 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ke 14.10.2015 22.00 - 22.50 50 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ke 07.10.2015 22.40 - 23.30 50 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ke 07.10.2015 22.00 - 22.40 40 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ke 30.09.2015 22.40 - 23.25 45 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ke 30.09.2015 22.00 - 22.40 40 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ke 23.09.2015 22.50 - 23.30 40 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ke 23.09.2015 22.00 - 22.50 50 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 21.07.2015 23.00 - 00.00 60 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 14.07.2015 23.00 - 00.00 60 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 07.07.2015 23.00 - 00.00 60 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 30.06.2015 23.00 - 00.00 60 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 23.06.2015 23.00 - 00.00 60 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 16.06.2015 23.00 - 00.00 60 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 09.06.2015 23.00 - 00.00 60 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 02.06.2015 23.00 - 00.00 60 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 26.05.2015 23.00 - 23.50 50 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 23.12.2014 23.00 - 00.00 60 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 16.12.2014 23.00 - 00.00 60 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 09.12.2014 23.00 - 23.50 50 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 02.12.2014 23.00 - 23.50 50 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 25.11.2014 23.00 - 23.45 45 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 18.11.2014 23.00 - 23.45 45 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 11.11.2014 23.00 - 23.45 45 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 04.11.2014 23.00 - 23.45 45 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


ti 28.10.2014 23.00 - 00.00 60 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


su 07.09.2014 22.30 - 23.15 45 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


su 31.08.2014 23.15 - 00.05 50 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


su 31.08.2014 22.25 - 23.15 50 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


su 24.08.2014 23.15 - 00.05 50 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


su 24.08.2014 22.25 - 23.15 50 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


su 17.08.2014 23.10 - 00.05 55 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


su 17.08.2014 22.30 - 23.10 40 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


su 10.08.2014 23.15 - 00.00 45 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


su 10.08.2014 22.30 - 23.15 45 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


la 09.08.2014 22.45 - 23.30 45 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


la 09.08.2014 22.00 - 22.45 45 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


la 02.08.2014 22.00 - 23.00 60 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.


pe 01.08.2014 22.00 - 22.50 50 minViasat Nature

It's 1729 on the Bahamian island of Santa Compana, the first functioning democracy in the Americas, where the diabolical pirate Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard (John Malkovich), reigns over a rogue nation of thieves, outlaws and miscreant sailors. To gain control of this fearsome society, Tom Lowe, a highly skilled undercover assassin, is sent to the buccaneers' haven to take down the brilliant and charismatic Blackbeard. But the closer Lowe gets, the more he finds that his quest is not so simple as he can't help but admire the political ideals of Blackbeard. But Lowe is not the only danger to Blackbeard's rule. He is a man with many villainous rivals and one great weakness - a passionately driven woman whom he cannot deny.
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