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Kanavan Viasat Nature ohjelmatiedot maanantaina 8.9.2014

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Wild Connection: The Great Bridge

ma 08.09.2014 07.00 - 08.00 60 minViasat Nature

This 6x52 HD series uncovers the astonishing similarities and sharp differences between two of earth?s richest meeting points between continents ? bridges where vastly different animal populations intermingle during their eternal quest for survival.
These geographical bridges between huge land masses create unique places where the flora and fauna of two continents intermingle.
The narrow strip of land connecting the continents of the Americas is an authentic Noah´s ark with huge number of species, all of them coming from south and north and making their home Central America, a geological newcomer, when compared to the age of the land masses north and south.
Africa and Europe are separated by the narrowest of sea passages at Gibralter and a the border territory of the Iberian penisula. This region features the richest biodiversity in Europe, with its umbilical cord to the African continent.
Through the series, we encounter species at their best, from intimate situations, to predation and action scenes. Spectacular blue chip filming provides evidence from the field while graphics will help to understand the geological process that shaped these two areas of our planet, and how the species colonize them.
Six episodes that will inmerse us in the vastness life exuberance of these unique places on earth. A series that conclusively proves that diversity blooms whenever its given a fighting chance.

Wild About New Zealand

ma 08.09.2014 08.00 - 08.55 55 minViasat Nature

New Zealand is an extraordinary place: long isolated in the vast Pacific, it became an evolutionary ?laboratory?. Deep in its primeval forests live bizarre, unique and eccentric life forms; weird birds that refuse to fly, giant insects, and living fossils of unfathomable age. Travel across New Zealand and the constantly changing landscapes warp the senses: scenes of alpine Switzerland become arid Spain, tropical Borneo morphs into the high Andes - and all on a cluster of islands half the size of France! From the heights of Mount Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand?s highest peak, to the misty ?shadowlands? of Fiordland and the spectacular depths of the Hauraki Marine Park, Wild About New Zealand explores the magic that is found in New Zealand?s National Parks? wildernesses.

Hope For Wildlife

ma 08.09.2014 08.55 - 09.50 55 minViasat Nature

(Hope For Wildlife/2010) Second in the series following the amazing work of wildlife animal rescue society Hope Swinimer?s ?Hope For Wildlife?, rescuing thousands of animals on Canada?s east coast each year. This time round Hope and her tireless team are taking their mission of mercy from the wilderness to the city, learning to deal with stray pets, find homes for abandoned animals and navigate the political jungle of animal control. At the same time, they must continue the enormous task of rehabilitating more than a thousand wild animals each year.

In this season Hope goes on the road to further develop her knowledge of wildlife rehabilitation. She visits a variety of wildlife rehab facilities across Canada to learn about different species and new rehab procedures. Of course Doctor Barry, Allison, Tiffany and a host of volunteers are also on hand to look after all the injured and orphaned animals that desperately need help.


ma 08.09.2014 09.50 - 10.45 55 minViasat Nature

(Galapagos/2012) In the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, there is a paradise unlike any other. Amongst these enchanted volcanic islands, life has played out in isolation from the rest of the world. The result is a biological wonderland of magic and discovery. Two hundred years after Charles Darwin set foot on the shores of the Galapagos Islands, Sir David Attenborough travels to this wild and mysterious archipelago. It was amongst its flora and fauna that Darwin formulated his groundbreaking theories on evolution. Today's scientists continue to make life-changing discoveries as they explore the Galapagos Islands' evolutionary history. With unique access, Sir David Attenborough changes the way we see the Galapagos forever. The inspiration behind Darwin's theory of evolution, the Galapagos Islands are a living laboratory - a geological conveyor belt that has given birth to, and seen the death of, many species of plants and animals. Presented in a pioneering new visual style combined with exhilarating cinematography, this series examines the spectacular variety of wildlife and evokes the different characters of the islands.

Secret Life of Elephants

ma 08.09.2014 10.45 - 11.35 50 minViasat Nature

(Secret Life of Elephants/2009) The three part series follows the lives of African elephants in Samburu, Northern Kenya, focusing on the stories of individual elephants to show the most dramatic moments of their lives. Their hidden world is revealed, from the complexities of family life and their intelligence to the depth of their emotions. The series also follows the work of father and daughter Iain and Saba Douglas-Hamilton and their Save the Elephants team, which includes tracking elephants, fitting tracking collars and developing the relationship between humans and elephants.

The Zoo

ma 08.09.2014 11.45 - 12.15 30 minViasat Nature

(The Zoo/2012) This series captures all of Auckland Zoo?s special moments. It is a high adventure for Burma the elephant as she takes a plunge in the lagoon and walks on the wild side; we also go behind the scenes to meet new residents, including giraffe Jelani, who gets his sea legs on a five day trip across the Tasman Sea to meet his new herd in Australia, and the new squirrel monkeys who deliver a small surprise and a lot of laughs. The whole family will be entertained and often surprised by these fascinating stories! Discover how the animals live; how they are fed, exercised, amused, and kept safe 365 days a year by their dedicated carers!.

The Zoo

ma 08.09.2014 12.15 - 12.45 30 minViasat Nature

(The Zoo/2012) This series captures all of Auckland Zoo?s special moments. It is a high adventure for Burma the elephant as she takes a plunge in the lagoon and walks on the wild side; we also go behind the scenes to meet new residents, including giraffe Jelani, who gets his sea legs on a five day trip across the Tasman Sea to meet his new herd in Australia, and the new squirrel monkeys who deliver a small surprise and a lot of laughs. The whole family will be entertained and often surprised by these fascinating stories! Discover how the animals live; how they are fed, exercised, amused, and kept safe 365 days a year by their dedicated carers!.

Animal Park Wild in Africa

ma 08.09.2014 12.45 - 13.30 45 minViasat Nature

(Animal Park Wild in Africa/2005) Prepare to go really wild in Africa! Kate Humble and Ben Fogle are on a wild animal park adventure in Africa ? and this time there are no barriers or fences to protect them. They meet the rangers and wildlife experts, risking their lives on a daily basis to care for the continent?s large and exotic wildlife. Their charges include ? lions, crocodiles, giraffes, cheetahs, leopards and black and white rhino. Ben and Kate also venture out at night, to capture crocodiles for health checks, track escaped lions and aggressive black rhinos and meet the people at the forefront of animal protection ? the elite anti-poaching unit.


ma 08.09.2014 13.30 - 14.25 55 minViasat Nature

(Galapagos/2012) In the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, there is a paradise unlike any other. Amongst these enchanted volcanic islands, life has played out in isolation from the rest of the world. The result is a biological wonderland of magic and discovery. Two hundred years after Charles Darwin set foot on the shores of the Galapagos Islands, Sir David Attenborough travels to this wild and mysterious archipelago. It was amongst its flora and fauna that Darwin formulated his groundbreaking theories on evolution. Today's scientists continue to make life-changing discoveries as they explore the Galapagos Islands' evolutionary history. With unique access, Sir David Attenborough changes the way we see the Galapagos forever. The inspiration behind Darwin's theory of evolution, the Galapagos Islands are a living laboratory - a geological conveyor belt that has given birth to, and seen the death of, many species of plants and animals. Presented in a pioneering new visual style combined with exhilarating cinematography, this series examines the spectacular variety of wildlife and evokes the different characters of the islands.

Animal Park Wild in Africa

ma 08.09.2014 14.25 - 15.15 50 minViasat Nature

(Animal Park Wild in Africa/2005) Prepare to go really wild in Africa! Kate Humble and Ben Fogle are on a wild animal park adventure in Africa ? and this time there are no barriers or fences to protect them. They meet the rangers and wildlife experts, risking their lives on a daily basis to care for the continent?s large and exotic wildlife. Their charges include ? lions, crocodiles, giraffes, cheetahs, leopards and black and white rhino. Ben and Kate also venture out at night, to capture crocodiles for health checks, track escaped lions and aggressive black rhinos and meet the people at the forefront of animal protection ? the elite anti-poaching unit.

Harnas - Wildlife Rescue Camp

ma 08.09.2014 15.15 - 15.45 30 minViasat Nature

(Harnas - Wildlife Rescue Camp/2011) Harnas is a large farm in southern Africa which offers shelter to abandoned wild animals. The Van der Merwe family who own the farm take on volunteers from all over the world to help run their animal orphanage. They come to meet exotic animals and to get a taste of the "real" Africa. This is the story of the animals living at Harnas and some amazing people who do everything they can to help them.

Harnas - Wildlife Rescue Camp

ma 08.09.2014 15.45 - 16.20 35 minViasat Nature

(Harnas - Wildlife Rescue Camp/2011) Harnas is a large farm in southern Africa which offers shelter to abandoned wild animals. The Van der Merwe family who own the farm take on volunteers from all over the world to help run their animal orphanage. They come to meet exotic animals and to get a taste of the "real" Africa. This is the story of the animals living at Harnas and some amazing people who do everything they can to help them.

Animal 24/7

ma 08.09.2014 16.20 - 17.10 50 minViasat Nature

(Animal 24/7/2008) Britain?s animals are under threat. All too often, wildlife and domestic pets are the victims of cruelty and neglect. A dedicated group of people are trying to protect and care for them right around the clock - this is Animal 24/7. In the air, on land and in the water, Britain is teeming with animals. But when they come up against humans, their lives are often in danger. From our cramped inner cities to our fields and hedgerows; from the highest moorland to the coast, Animal 24/7?s people are working around the clock to save endangered wildlife and protect vulnerable pets. These are their stories.


ma 08.09.2014 17.10 - 17.35 25 minViasat Nature

(Djurakuten/2013) När människans bästa vänner skadar sig eller blir sjuka kan det bli både smärtsamt och kostsamt. När det som inte får hända ändå händer är det personalen på Strömsholms Djursjukhus och Roslagstulls Djurklinik som tar hand om våra små familjemedlemmar. För tredje säsongen möter vi personalen, experterna och eldsjälarna som hittar sjukdomarna och botar djuren. Vi lär känna djuren, ägarna, veterinärerna och följer med på den känslomässiga berg- och dalbana som ett sjukhusbesök innebär.


ma 08.09.2014 17.35 - 18.05 30 minViasat Nature

(Djurakuten/2013) När människans bästa vänner skadar sig eller blir sjuka kan det bli både smärtsamt och kostsamt. När det som inte får hända ändå händer är det personalen på Strömsholms Djursjukhus och Roslagstulls Djurklinik som tar hand om våra små familjemedlemmar. För tredje säsongen möter vi personalen, experterna och eldsjälarna som hittar sjukdomarna och botar djuren. Vi lär känna djuren, ägarna, veterinärerna och följer med på den känslomässiga berg- och dalbana som ett sjukhusbesök innebär.

Wild About New ZealandU

ma 08.09.2014 18.05 - 19.00 55 minViasat Nature

New Zealand is an extraordinary place: long isolated in the vast Pacific, it became an evolutionary ?laboratory?. Deep in its primeval forests live bizarre, unique and eccentric life forms; weird birds that refuse to fly, giant insects, and living fossils of unfathomable age. Travel across New Zealand and the constantly changing landscapes warp the senses: scenes of alpine Switzerland become arid Spain, tropical Borneo morphs into the high Andes - and all on a cluster of islands half the size of France! From the heights of Mount Aoraki/Mount Cook, New Zealand?s highest peak, to the misty ?shadowlands? of Fiordland and the spectacular depths of the Hauraki Marine Park, Wild About New Zealand explores the magic that is found in New Zealand?s National Parks? wildernesses.

Cheetah Diaries

ma 08.09.2014 19.00 - 19.30 30 minViasat Nature

(Cheetah Diaries/2012) Upheaval resonates through the Outreach Programme as the team are faced with moving the facility. It won?t be easy as the team must wait for the inspector to give the new site the go-ahead, not to mention getting their permits in time for the move. One certain cat ? Chobe ? is plagued by a mysterious illness that interrupts his chances of becoming a young ambassador. And as always, new life is an exciting possibility at the Outreach Programme ? and it seems that the bat-eared foxes are expecting a baby when they dig a new burrow system.

Cheetah Diaries

ma 08.09.2014 19.30 - 20.00 30 minViasat Nature

(Cheetah Diaries/2012) Upheaval resonates through the Outreach Programme as the team are faced with moving the facility. It won?t be easy as the team must wait for the inspector to give the new site the go-ahead, not to mention getting their permits in time for the move. One certain cat ? Chobe ? is plagued by a mysterious illness that interrupts his chances of becoming a young ambassador. And as always, new life is an exciting possibility at the Outreach Programme ? and it seems that the bat-eared foxes are expecting a baby when they dig a new burrow system.

Wild Things

ma 08.09.2014 20.00 - 20.30 30 minViasat Nature

(Wild Things/2012) Britain's landscape has changed dramatically over the last 50 years with wild plants disappearing and strange new plants becoming familiar. Wild Things reveals how plants offer an understanding of changing wildlife.

Garden designer Chris Myers, his Labrador Lottie, botanist Dr Trevor Dines and lichenologist Sally Eaton search our cities and countryside to discover what grows where in Britain today and why.

Bold experiments and innovative approaches - from controlled explosions in military no-go zones to oven-roasting microscopic 'bears' that live by our roadsides - help explain why some plants have moved in, why others have disappeared, and how it all affects us.

Wild Things

ma 08.09.2014 20.30 - 21.00 30 minViasat Nature

(Wild Things/2012) Britain's landscape has changed dramatically over the last 50 years with wild plants disappearing and strange new plants becoming familiar. Wild Things reveals how plants offer an understanding of changing wildlife.

Garden designer Chris Myers, his Labrador Lottie, botanist Dr Trevor Dines and lichenologist Sally Eaton search our cities and countryside to discover what grows where in Britain today and why.

Bold experiments and innovative approaches - from controlled explosions in military no-go zones to oven-roasting microscopic 'bears' that live by our roadsides - help explain why some plants have moved in, why others have disappeared, and how it all affects us.

Mr & Mrs Murder

ma 08.09.2014 21.00 - 22.00 60 minViasat Nature

(Mr & Mrs Murder/2012) Charlie and Nicola Buchanan (Shaun Micallef and Kat Stewart) are crime scene cleaners. As they go about their work, they collect evidence and clues the police may have missed. Every now and then, they get carried away with helping solve the mysteries the police have trouble closing.

Mad Dogs

ma 08.09.2014 22.00 - 23.00 60 minViasat Nature

Mad Dogs combines the rich characters and subversive black humour of a Fargo-style thriller with the emotional pressure cooker atmosphere of Sexy Beast. Rick, Baxter, Woody and Quinn are on their way to visit their friend Alvo at his luxury villa in Majorca. Alvo has paid for the whole trip - he wants to celebrate selling his business for a packet with his oldest friends. But as the weekend unfolds, a more prickly side to Alvo starts to emerge. And when a masked man appears at the villa late in the evening, it becomes clear Alvo isn't quite the man they thought he was. What happens next will test their nerve, their loyalty and change their lives forever as a what started as a holiday in the sun turns into a labyrinthine nightmare of lies, deception and murder.

The FixerU

ma 08.09.2014 23.00 - 00.00 60 minViasat Nature

(The Fixer/2011) In the shadowy world between right and wrong, John Mercer is a modern-day gun for hire, beholden to his sinister master but not the boundaries - moral or otherwise - of the law. Released from prison unexpectedly early, Mercer is introduced to Kenny Jameson - a police officer 'retired on grounds of ill health'. Jameson makes it clear to Mercer that his freedom comes at a price - he must remove an untouchable criminal who has recently dispatched a senior police officer to an early grave. Mercer carries out the hit but finds that the promise of freedom was illusory. Blake had no intention of agreeing to his real liberty. Thrust together with the deviant Calum and the beautiful but amoral Rose, Mercer and his new 'friends' must bring their unique talents to bear on the fundamental mission - to disorganise crime, and bring order where the law has failed. From the makers of Spooks, Hustle and Life on Mars, this is an action-packed, high-octane series that asks whether operating outside the usual parameters of the law - under the pretext of protecting it - can ever be justified.


ti 09.09.2014 00.00 - 07.00 7h 0 minViasat Nature

Harry Venn, a small-time solicitor, is forced to delve back into his murky past. When a mysterious lawyer turns up asking Harry to find a missing alibi witness for her client, he agrees to take on the job but is unwittingly drawn into investigating the death of his brother twenty years ago. As he begins to untangle the web of lies and deceit, Harry soon finds himself caught up in a bigger and more complex conspiracy.
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